Aug 22, 2008 23:47
Could make me stop loving you....CW
No Man, space, time, distance, event
Why, I dont know..but thats the way it is...
I gave up trying to fight how I feel
I let my heart take over.
I've have tried to move on and forget
But that did not work either
Someday I hope you will search deep in your soul
And your heart
And realize what kept us apart...
And that you are living a lie
Someday I hope you realize we were the perfect match
Like you and me both knew at the time
Someday I hope you are free to be
With the one who loves you uncondtionally
Being without you in my life is
Seeeing you without being able to talk to you is
But I will never back down I on what I know to be the truth
I am a victum of all that has went on
But I know you stood helplesly while it did
I dont blame you
Because of the ones who did this
I have to live everyday with the way I am now
The way I feel now and act now
Its a constant reminder of all that was done
not only to me, but to you
My love
I hate those who caused this
I hate them with every ounce of my blood
No forgiveness in my soul
And it takes alot for me to hate.
Everyone talks around me
No one talks to me
I hear lies and not the way it was
It angers me to hear that
The lies, the version of what they think happened
When I was there and was the one who seen, heard and dealt with it all
1st hand
Who were they, to say what happened?
The ones who know nothing
If it was not true, I would think you would be mad at her
For lying about it all
And causing this problem
However, how could you fight your blackmailer?
You could only tell everyone I am the crazy one
On the fear that she would destroy you
You should of came to me...not them
After she let you go....
I could of been your best witness
I know all that I am risking
What danger I was in
But true love, like mine for you
Does not fear that
Only does anything for the one they love.
I am here alone
Waiting for a miricle
The miricle of you and me
And the way it should of been....
You & Me
Happy together
The perfect couple
Who compliment each other
My soulmate
Taken from me by lies, deceit, blackmail, extortion...
No wonder I am so angry
My love forever
Until eternity
I Will Always love you....