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Oct 10, 2004 15:27

Im what they call lazy and i dont feel like writing about this whole weekend,. which was like the most UBER AWESOME time i have ever had...but yea. Friday i hung out with Liz, Courtney, Kyle, Alena, and Robert snothead! haha yea it was fun we hung out at courtneys for a while then we decided to go to Barrey mores (sp) haunted house! snothead was tired so he didnt go! damn you!! yea ne ways the Haunted House was extremly fun!!! i loved it lol and then yea we hung out and shit Ben/corey and his friend John met us there haha. yea then we came home around what 11? idk and yea i went online then went to sleep as far as i can remeber lol, then sat. came and I EVENTUALLY hung out with lauren. Not to mention David schultz says he can hang out this weekend ..but i already had plans :( dont worry stupid bird NEXT WEEKEND!!! yea ne ways i went to Lauren Gallas's and boy oh boy was that fun first we hung out with a bunch of kids that live in the block and then Megan Cicotte(sp) came over and we hung out with those kids some more..yea then we went in and we wanted to go to that haunted house that i went to on firday..but her dad didnt let us so we just orderd some pizza and went downstairs and attempted to watch "Man On Fire" but that never worked outlol we were always inturupted by Knock Knock jokes and what not lol it was an awesome time!!! ilove you guys!! and yea thats about the size of my weekend..i had a soccer game at 3 today and yea like always we got our asses kicked in ten diff ways. i played right forward for the first half and for the second i was right Defense and the goalie! but..we still lost lol OH WELL what are ya gonna do..not to mention i totally pulled my leg muscle.. here i am thinking it would be better..NOPE!!! its the worst its ever been idk if ill be able togo to thursdays game..dammit! yea it hurts to run..and even walk lol!

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