16 inches here in Philadelphia today so I suppose there is no reason not to write something. It's been months, Michael got me started on this and I just quit after he was gone. I've been paying more attention to Tribe and a few other sites. Currently I'm trying very hard to avoid the media. Between insane muslims protesting lame cartoons ( see them here
http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/698 ) and idiotic TV commentators refusing to call Turin "Turin" despite the fact that that's it's name in English and has been for centuries. Have you ever seen an "In Search of Mysteries" episode about "The Shroud of Turino"? After all who but a pretentious twit says "Munchen" "Roma" or "Firenza" . Even Athens was anglicised for the last Olympic games. Well I suppose if that's all I have to be upset about I'm must not be doing too badly. Maybe I should up the dosage on the Zoloft...