Nov 23, 2006 04:30
So an update from Sebastian;
Over the last six (?) months I have lost a bit of weight. I didn’t notice it but Abbey did and she got me to weigh myself. My eating habits are not particularly healthy or unhealthy (I do love sweets as you know but I rarely eat fast food) and the amount of exercise I do per week is negligible. However for the last 3 years or so whenever I have weighed myself, I was usually around the 75 kg mark. So when I weighed myself on 08/09/2006, under Abbeys guidance, I was about 64.2 kg, 1.74 m. This is just on the lean side for my height / in the lower of the acceptable ranges for my BMI (Body Mass Index) a light man is 67.8 kg. This is without changing my eating habits, exercise schedule (i.e. none), sweating it out with numerous saunas or anything like that.
So I went to my doctor, explained what was happening and put it to her that we find out what’s happening to me. I put it to her that if something is wrong, we should fix it. I also suggested if nothing is wrong then we should market it as the "Don't Do Anything At All Diet" and retire millionaires. About five (?) weeks ago she got back to me. Aaannnnnddd .. .. .. . . .
It’s a mystery. I don’t have a tapeworm called George (thank Abbey for that one). I don’t have any major diseases that they could find and I haven't lost weight suddenly enough to point to anything that they could look for. So basically I just have to keep an eye on my weight and maybe have a few more hamburgers every once in a while.
However they did find something interesting. Apparently I have Gilbert’s syndrome. Gilbert’s syndrome is a very minor disease. I over produce bilirubin in my liver (normal people have 0 - 18 micro mols per 100 mls of blood (or something like that). I have 72 micro mols). It is genetic (not contagious), with no clear genetic pattern. I don’t have to change my diet, exercise plan or take medication. I just need to be aware of it really (mention to doctors when I go in to hospital, that sort of thing).
My school work is going fairly well. I have recently finished my first anatomy and massage courses. I have passed my massage course. I got my Anatomy and Physiology 1 results back and I got 99/100 so I Aced it !! Wooo !! . Anatomy 2 and massage 2 are slightly harder but I think I will do well with them as well. Recently we worked the Quadratus Lumborum in massage 2, which is a deep muscle that attaches from the top of your pelvic bone to the spine and bottom ribs. It’s a structural muscle and it is pretty much always turned on. That means always tense. So we found it, did some remedial work on it and discovered, as a class mate named it, ‘sweet pain’. The kind of that feels good and hurts at the same time kind of pain. Interesting and now I’ll never forget where that muscle is.
Errm I'm going to do a first Aid certificate on Saturday (i imagine I'll be going "CLEAR!!!" and thumping the test dummy alot. I cant help myself.). Umm I might be going to see Carla's & Mark's band play at the Annandale Hotel on Sat night where they need a big crowd to impress a talent scout (i thought talent would impress him/do the trick but I dont know how it works).