Aug 02, 2004 12:45
im going to go paint, but first i have to say, planet of the apes is a horrid flick and i don't know what the deal with that lad tim burton is either. what a crappy director. just my opinion, and this seems to be the palce to share such phylosophies. so quiznos failed inspection because they had too many signs ao they can't open yet and i was supposed to work today...hehehe...and i was gonna learn how to slice meat today. went car shopping yesterday. i think we're getting a civic and a stick one too and im excited. DUDE! i just realized with a side of bittersweetness that everyone is gone in a week and i havn't really seen or done much with anyone this summer...kate, and erinn, i have something for you two that i have to give you before you go off and ammuse yourselves in college an odd word if you think about it hard enough. it turns into blagh. and sonic youth is the 20th and im seriously going and whoever wants to come too can. i had to clean my room today and it still dosn't look like katy's, nd i cleaned for three hours straight. i want to go back to fine arts center for another year. and i want something to eat and i want to paint and...later