Did anyone else just hear the ca-ching of a cash register?

Jun 11, 2006 08:56

The aphrodisiac works. And it works extremely well, if I do say so myself. If anyone doesn't believe me, they can ask Kate. Oh, no, wait - they can't ask Kate, because she's still asleep in bed. And by "asleep," I actually mean unconscious. That's because I didn't test the potion on her, only on myself. I'm wide awake and in a good mood. Three cheers for beneficial side effects.
I've finally conquered the problem that had been vexing me over the last week, in that I couldn't discover the means to prevent the chocolate from separating from the potion. There's still much to be done before I can even consider patenting the formula and looking for a buyer, but the potion will undoubtedly become a success.
One of the things I must do is find a way to lower the potency. In the past, when it came time to market a rather extraordinary depilatory of my own invention, I learned that many trophy wives might pay an exorbitant fee for a potion that rids them of unwanted body hair forever, but I could also lower the potency and sell the result to others for mere knuts and sickles. The hair eventually grows back, but repeat sales can add up to a rather hefty bank balance.
The same will be true of the chocolate aphrodisiac, I'm sure. Many people (excuse the crudity) don't have the balls to play with the stronger sex potions; a gentler formula will lure in the more timid customers. And besides... why sell the aphrodisiac at full strength, guaranteeing an entire night of enthusiasm with only one dose, when instead I can bilk the horny public of their hard-earned cash by forcing them to consume more chocolates for the same effect?
It's a win/win situation.
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