Oh god hes ranting again....

Mar 04, 2006 10:31

Recently I have been listening to The BBC world service, a fantastic service paid for by the people of the UK in probably the only (near) selfless act this miserable rock has done in the last twenty years, and listened to by everyone on the planet, except in the UK.
Over the past weeks they have had a series on climate change and the environment, our interaction with it and the options for sustainable power production.

Ok now I see why the UK doesn’t listen to this stuff, it’s got long words in it, and not once did I mention football or some pointless celebrity.

Unfortunately this sums up the problem with the whole issue of conservation and sustainability. IT’S DRY! So dry in fact that in future years they may use it as a source of combustion itself.

The fight comes down to two factions:
The Intelligentsia: Those who are campaigning for changes to the current world government policies through a mixture of debate and peaceful protest. These people are normally middle class and have a good standard of education and see reason and clear debate as the way to persuade the doubters. Unfortunately these people are also painfully untrendy or cool and thus will never attract the press or popular opinion.

The cognoscenti: Those who hold the purse strings and control the chains of those who are frankly too stupid or preoccupied to think for themselves. New technology and variable solutions based on local conditions are foreign to these people, as they want a clear one-stop solution to the problem not twenty. They control the accounts of the country and don’t want to squander money on schemes with little proven track records or that only work under set conditions. These people have good hair and lots of money and don’t give a toss about debate, just winning the elections and staying power.

So you see the problem. Hair! Ok not hair but public image and money plus a single voice. The Intelligentsia have the right answers but speak with so many fanatical voices they will never get listened to, certainly not by those with the money. The Cognoscenti will not give a monkey until the ice caps meet and there isn’t any air anymore, i.e. it affects them.

There are loads of solutions to power generation that are both sustainable and workable, but it will take a hell of a lot of effort to do it, without being rude to the Mob, we need a kick up the arse to do it. If the world had to turn off the TV for a week to save electricity then they would be building wind farms before the night was out.
Q: Why should I give a shit about Holland or some small Island in Asia I live in the UK and I want to watch my soaps.
A: Unless you like freezing temperatures and eating cold dog then you better start doing something about it.
Q: Huh?
A: We are on the same latitude as Northern Canada, if the Gulf stream shuts down you better get ready for all football to be cancelled for the Skiing. Oh and Beer will be £90 a pint.
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