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Jan 30, 2025 07:41

TV Sankaranarayanan - tUkkiya tiruvaDi - shankarAbharaNam - Suddhananda Bharati

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raagam: shankaraabharaNam
taaLam: aadi
Composer: Suddhaananda Bhaarati
Language: Tamil

tUkkiya tiruvaDi tuNai ena nambinEn turiya naTarAjanE

Akki aLittulagai nIkki maraittaruL aindozhil purindiDum ambalavANanE

ettanaiyO piravi eDutteDuttE iLaittEn iruvinaip-payangaLai eidi eidik-kaLaittEn
cittam ini un mEl vaittirukka ninaittEn dikku vErillai ayyA dInarai kAkkum kayyA muDugu
pAshamaruttu shiva nEsang-koDuttunadu dAsanAi cidambara vAsanAi vAzha shei


by mahakavi » 15 Feb 2007, 00:24
There are some errors in the text. I will ignore them and give you general meaning only.

P: I consider your raised (left) foot to be my salvation (tuNai =help, assistance), Oh, Lord NatarajA! (tUriya can mean poison or drum--both of which are carried by Shiva one in his hand and the other in his neck)

A; You created (Akki) the world, protect (aLittu)it, remove (nIkki) it, hid (maRaittu) it, and provide your grace (aruL). You are great with these 5 acts, oh, Lord of the sabha (kanaka sabhai in Cidambaram)

C: I am tired of the the innumerable births. I have experienced the bitter results of my past and present births. From hereon I am letting my thoughts dwell only on you. There is no other way out. You protect the weak and the downtrodden. Please destroy my bondage to this life, offer your love, and uplift me.

by keertana » 16 Feb 2007, 18:28
I think 'turiya' (Turiya Natarajane) means:

Shiva is the Supreme Consciousness that illuminates the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Offering the threefold bilva leaves to the Shivalinga heralds the return to a level of consciousness beyond the three states, which is the fourth state, turiya. The dawning of that state is consonant with the awakening of the individual.

by drshrikaanth » 16 Feb 2007, 18:34
Akkal, ALittal, nIkkal, maRaittal, aruLudal refer to the pancakAryas of SRShTi, sthiti, laya, tirOdhAna & anugraha respectively. And yes, turIya refers to the 4th state of pure consciousness of the soul AKA brahma



Sumithra Vasudev - Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam - dakSiNAmUrtE - shankarAbharaNam - dIkshitar

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dakshiNA mUrtE - rAgaM SankarAbharaNam - tALaM jhampa
[Composer: Muttuswaamee Dikshitar, Language: Sanskrit]

dakshiNA mUrtE vidaLita dAsArtE
cidAnanda pUrtE sadA mauna kIrtE

akshaya suvarNa vaTa vRksha mUla sthitE
raksha mAM sanakAdi rAja yOgi stutE
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
rakshita sadbhaktE Sikshita duryuktE
aksharAnuraktE avidyA viraktE

nikhila saMSaya haraNa nipuNa-tara yuktE
nirvikalpa samAdhi nidrA prasaktE
akhaNDaika rasa pUrNArUDha SaktE
aparOksha nitya bOdhAnanda muktE
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
sukha-tara pravRttE svAjnAna nivRttE
sva-guru guhOtpattE svAnubhOga tRptE

variations -
dAsArtE - dAsArtE SrI
mauna - mauni
sanakAdi - janakAdi

kshEtra - tiruvArUr

aparOksha jnAna


dakshiNA mUrtE - O Dakshinamurthi!
vidaLita dAsArtE - O one who has destroyed the sorrows of devotees!
cidAnanda pUrtE - O embodiment of culmination of the bliss of consciousness!
sadA mauna kIrtE - O one renowned for being in eternal stillness!

akshaya suvarNa vaTa vRksha mUla sthitE - O one whose has taken residence at the roots of the eternal golden Banyan tree!
raksha mAM - Protect me!
sanakAdi rAja yOgi stutE - O recipient of the praises of the great Rajayogis led by Sanaka !
rakshita sadbhaktE - O one who protects true devotees!
Sikshita duryuktE - O one who instructs (and corrects) improper reasoning!
aksharAnuraktE - O one with a love for letters (i.e. learning)!
avidyA viraktE - O one who is indifferent to or free from (the workings of) ignorance or Maya!

nikhila saMSaya haraNa nipuNa-tara yuktE - O one providing substantiation that is adept at removing all doubts!
nirvikalpa samAdhi nidrA prasaktE - O one engaged in the trance of Nirvikalpa-samadhi!
akhaNDaika rasa pUrNArUDha SaktE - O one with the elevated power of uninterrupted joy in the one (self)!
aparOksha nitya bOdhAnanda muktE - O embodiment of the liberation that comes from the bliss of direct, first-hand awareness of the eternal,
sukha-tara pravRttE - O emergence of great bliss!
svAjnAna nivRttE - O cause of cessation of one’s ignorance!
sva-guru guhOtpattE - O one who created Guha, your own Guru!
svAnubhOga tRptE - O one content with the enjoyment in the self!

This Kriti is in the eighth (Sambodhana Prathama) Vibhakti

दक्षिणा मूर्ते - रागं शङ्कराभरणम् - ताळं झम्प

दक्षिणा मूर्ते विदळित दासार्ते
चिदानन्द पूर्ते सदा मौन कीर्ते

अक्षय सुवर्ण वट वृक्ष मूल स्थिते
रक्ष मां सनकादि राज योगि स्तुते
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
रक्षित सद्भक्ते शिक्षित दुर्युक्ते
अक्षरानुरक्ते अविद्या विरक्ते

निखिल संशय हरण निपुण-तर युक्ते
निर्विकल्प समाधि निद्रा प्रसक्ते
अखण्डैक रस पूर्णारूढ शक्ते
अपरोक्ष नित्य बोधानन्द मुक्ते
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
सुख-तर प्रवृत्ते स्वाज्ञान निवृत्ते
स्व-गुरु गुहोत्पत्ते स्वानुभोग तृप्ते

variations -
दासार्ते - दासार्ते श्री
मौन - मौनि
सनकादि - जनकादि


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