I hate computers

Oct 13, 2005 17:18

Thursdays for me are a nice day of rest, having only one class all day, and that class being at 6:30 pm. So as per my custom, Wed night is a time for a party. I happend to come across an eigth of some beautiful gold cap mushrooms, and I figured what could be a better time to trip?

So I dose at around 8, and wait for the effects.

Im tripping balls around 9:15 when I hear was sounds like an entire mall full of girls in the hall of my suite right outside my door. Im confused as fuck. I can hear all these fast paced super loud conversations going on outside. I hear my roommate say "no no you cant go in there my room mates tripping face tonight" well, next thing I know I have twenty five set of eyes looking directly at me from the hall. it was like a million deer in headlights.

again absoute terror.

what makes this worse is the fact that one of the girls, who is increadbly good looking, I also know from class. needless to say I mutter some kind oif weird sentance that im quite sure consisted of "woah" alot.

oh yea it was the soccor team for those of you confused by the girs.

So they all go to the next door room and play hip-hop and drink. I wanted nothing more than to go and talk to them, cept my pupals were the size of dimes.

fast foreward to 5:15am im about to crash out, and sleep till three that afternoon. I check my email. "nathan dont forget you have to start your work study at 8:00am in the IT sept" fuck.

I have been working in all the computer labs from 8:30am to noon, then back at 1:00 till 6:20pm then I had film class at 6:30 till 10:00.

as you can see i am not in class, beacause I have two midterms tommorow, and I cant keep my head up.

yay adderall.

fuck me.
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