Well, my knees are still a little weak but I am moving around a bit to keep them from going numb on me again. Work on Friday was a rat race but I did get a chance to cut out my Cyberman Decal Test. Worked out pretty good and has given me some room to be creative with some stickers.
Cyberman Decal on DA One idea I was thing of was making a china mask decal. Now that I can see what the cutter can do I think I will try to make decals that go on the laptop or on the side of a tower. But make them so it looks like the face is absorbed in or body is flatten out onto the surface. Go for a double appeal there of having a themed item and making it look like a scene in one of my pics. Another idea I was working on for it was doing the shrooms. Now being the cynic that I am I think if it two ways, one its the transformation into shroom or caught by one, the other is its a marker for those in the recreational drugs version of shrooms.
There is that possibility for it to change meaning once out of my hands but with my audience very narrow the chances of that happening are at a small percentage.
Making an Erica Sticker is something interesting I just am not sure how to do it in one solid color. If I was bold i would use the printer and its built in cutter to make real stickers and not just decals but I am holding off on that for now.
Started up commissions last night and I got a couple of things designed and going to work on it all day today. maybe take a fall out break once or twice.
I decided to play fallout until a major crash then get back to work. then maybe play it again after two drawings are done.
Getting some stuff off my computer today. Some files that are eating up space on my HD and my external. Probably around 30 gigs worth today then some more organization of files and another burn in a week.
Got some rooms cleaned up today, looks a lot better and feels better too. Sucks coming home to a mess. Shifted some stuff around in the computer room so I can measure the wall for my bookshelves I am going to build. They are going to span the one wall and should hold most of my books and office supplies. If it is successful I will start work on the hidden door storage that I am going to put in the living room.
Oh yeah, Fallout 3 is fun. I like the hacking and weapons building. I do need to improve my aim with the sniper rifle though. Only get a head shot every 1 in 10 tries. It was interesting though, when I was attacked by super mutants and after killing the one with the minigun another would try to pick it up and I would mow him down before he got it reeved up. Then another would try it, after those three I picked up all the ammo for it since I already have a minigun and its in near perfect condition. I went after the last of the mutants and he tried to hit me when I shot him in the face and he ran. I went after him and only caught up when he saw the pile of dead mutants and he was in shock.
I am trying to discover more areas than worry about missions. Still have not gotten back to the Father Mission. Busy looking around and leaving frag mines in doorways. Did I forget to mention that I am a Hero rank in the karma section?
Well, back to sketching, designing and figuring out how to cut down on my AC costs.