Watching doc brings back memories

Jun 12, 2010 22:57

Watched a stupid doc called 50 worst movies.
they were bad but not as bad as things I have seen on Cinema Snobs. So as my mind started to wander around the 30 count of the movies and I remembered a show that I enjoyed from the hey days of Nickelodeon.

I am not sure when we got cable and the box but it would have been around the beginning of nickelodeon in 1979-80 which would put me around 6 years old.

I remember the show being called Aquarius and that Menudo sung the opening theme. In truth the show was called Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea. Looking at it now the production was cheap but I would not mind trying to seeing it again. I remembered that the girl in white is captured sometime in the first season and they are looking for her for most of the story. Not much else I remember.

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Then of course the memories started flooding in. I watched a lot more of USA Network and Nickelodeon and at the time Nickelodeon had a LOT of puppets in the shows. Most of the cartoons were imports from Canada, England, France and others.
One import that I always loved was the Mysterious City of Gold

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Then my mind wandered some more to other great 80's-licious shows and that lead me to M.A.S.K and Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
Looking at it now its a Sentai Show. Five transforming warriors and lots of evil minions. Tank was my Favorite ^_^
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