amazing, john bercow, who flipped his second home and claimed the maximun second home allowances is now the speaker with a grace and favour residence, how else can parliament reform itself?
not only that but he could be speaker for the next 20-25 years as he is so young.
who had even heard of this guy before the expenses row? It was only when the telegraph exposed he had flipped his home to buy a 540,000 quid london apartment
i actually am beginning to think the bnp are more honest than the mps at westminster
taken from the daily telegraph my expenses file:
John Bercow “flipped” his second home from his constituency to a £540,000 flat in London and claimed the maximum possible allowances for it.
Bercow, a candidate for next Speaker, "repaid" £6,500 capital gains tax on the sale of two properties. His expenses files reveal he also
twice charged the public purse for the cost of hiring a chartered accountant to complete his annual tax return
i passionately care about politics but any idea of this former right winger, who has come out as a liberal not lining his own pocket beggers belief. If he wants to be, as he says an ambassador for mps then he really does deserve to have rotten eggs thrown at him
parliament has become a fucking joke, it will be 'reformed' by those who have already become millionaires out of it