Jun 29, 2005 03:22

Well, I know its been a while, but SOOOO much has been going on lately!!

*-- I know you all have heard too much about this governors school crap, but it is really pushing me to the extreme these last couple of days! I haven't slept in almost three  nights! All I have done is work on this malarky...Is that even a real word???...anyways I think I may FINALLY have gotten it all finished!! I just pray that Jeremy got  his half done and done right!!! If he didn't, well, I in for at least two more sleepless nights and a whole lot of trouble!

*--I have closed everynight at work for the past eight nights in a row; that has been a hell in itself making the governor's school stuff that much worse! I finally get a day off Wednesday; I was also scheduled (might I say miracuously) to be off Friday night too, but Michelle talked me in to working for her because she and Jason are trying to get outta town to celebrate their four-year wedding anniversary.  So who knows when my next day off will be; however, hopefully I will be able to work a few day shifts once governors school is over!

*--Well, now for the biggie! I moved out of my dads house! I have know idea where I am going to stay!?!? Grandmother and mom are the only two options I have and mom doesn't have a job, which makes me lean toward mamaw, but she and papaw already raised their children and she is having enough trouble trying to take care of him so I have no clue?? Comment if you have a suggestion!

*--Hopefully, I am going to take another brief vacation with my aunt towards the end of July! I don't know if Jeremy will get to go, but I am thinking yes, and if he can't then oh well! I would really like to be able to take a break! It would be so nice just not having to go to work for a week!

*--Oh and yes, along with the whole moving out deal I gave my father the keys to my car and told him to shove it up his ass! So, it really sucks not having a car and driving anymore, but its the moral of it ya know? I really don't want anything he gave me!

Well, since governors school is slowly drawing to a close, I am sure things will get a lot better everywhere in my life! But for now, I am going to go see if I finally can't catch a couple hours z's! Got be in BSG by nine in the morning!


Sarah B.

..-*I love you... forever and always*-..
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