Survey Thing

Feb 24, 2005 19:08

x. Slept in your bed: myself or my dog
x. Saw you cry: Samantha
x. Spent the night with: Uh...Brian and Mark
x. You shared a drink of blood with: Wtf?
x. You went to the movies with: Samantha and Mark
x. You went to the mall with: Samantha
x. Yelled at you: Hum...My mom?
x. You sent an email to: CSUN
x. You kissed: Samantha

x. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Duh all the time
x. Been to New York: Yes to see my grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins
x. Florida: No, but I want to
x. California: Uh...duh?
x. Hawaii: Yes
x. Mexico: Once and that's enough (unless it's some where nice)
x. China: No
x. Canada: Ya
x. The Gates of Eternal Damnation: All the time :-?
x. Danced naked: Probably
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: ?
x. Wish you were the opposite sex:
x. Had an imaginary friend: Ya when I was a wee little lad

x. Red or blue: Blue
x. Spring or Fall: Fall
x. Are you bored: Ya cuzz I keep loseing in a video game
x. Last noise you heard: A car/my dog playing with my car
x. Last time you went out of the state: A long time ago with my parents
x. Things you like in a girl/guy: Caring, Sweet, Thoughful, Cute, Pretty, Comferting, etc .... look at Samantha
x. What book are you reading now: other than text books: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (GOOD!) and Inherit the Wind (Good too!)
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: can I go back to sleep
x. How many rings before you answer: How ever many I feel like
x. Future daughter's name: Something cute
x. Future son's name: Something .... er... ya
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: The one Samantha got me
x. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: something I
x. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: Lefty but I can use my right for alot of things
x. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yup...taught my self sorta
x. Favorite sport to watch: Basketball, Hockey
x. Current Age: 18
x. Siblings: None
x. Location: Cali
x. College plans: Berkley Bitch (or Santa Cruz or USC)
x. Piercings: None
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: The best one of all - Samantha

x. Do you do drugs: All the time!
x. Do you drink: Water???
x. Who are your best friends: Samantha, Mark, David C., David G, Adam, Brian, Josh F., Mike, Tommy, Becky ... others
x. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: Paul Mitchell
x. What are you most scared of: Dying
x. What clothes do you sleep in: Boxers
x. Who is the last person who called you: Samantha
x. Where do you want to get married: Rome
x. Who do you really hate: I don't hate any one I just don't like people.
x. Been in Love: I am right now
x. What type automobile do you drive: Audi
x. Are you timely or always late: timely ... it leaves a good impression!
x. Do you have a job: Sorta
x. Do you like being around people: Ya
x. Best feeling in the world: being with Samantha
x. Are you for world peace: Sure...but that could never happen
x. Are you a health freak : Nope

x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Loved? No...Liked ... ya
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Ya
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Nope ... just has to like me for who I am
x. Want someone you don't have right now: No I found the person I want
x. Are you lonely right now: Kinda
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: No way
x. Do you want to get married: Yup :-D
x. Do you want kids: 2 ... boy and girl

x. Room in house: "Playroom"
x. Type(s) of music: Anything cept Country ... but even that's ok sometimes
x. Band: ...
x. Memory: Something
x. Day of the week: Friday night
x. Color: Green
x. Perfume or cologne: The one Samantha got me
x. Month: June, July, August, January, December, Feb

x. Cried: Ya
x. Bought something: Hum...ya
x. Gotten sick: Not really
x. Sang: Maybe
x. Said "I Love You": YES
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Yes - I love you Samantha!
x. Met someone new: Ya
x. Moved on: DALIA
x. Talked to someone: Duh
x. Missed someone: Yes ... right now
x. Hugged someone: Ya
x. Kissed someone: Yes
x. Fought with your parents: Not yet

x. been drunk: No
x. smoked pot: No
x. kissed a member of the opposite sex: DUH
x. kissed a member of the same sex: No
x. crashed a friend's car: No
x. been to japan: No
x. ridden in a taxi: Ya
x. been in love: I am right now
x. been dumped: Sorta
x. shoplifted: No that isn't cool
x. been fired: No
x. been in a fist fight: Probably
x. snuck out of my parent's house: No
x. been arrested: No
x. made out with a stranger: Oh ya all the time
x. stole something from a job: No
x. celebrated new years in time square: No too crowded
x. gone on a blind date: No
x. lied to a friend: I might have :-(
x. had a crush on a teacher: No
x. celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans: Nope
x. been to hades: ?? Hades?
x. skipped school: Sorta
x. slept with a co-worker: No
x. had sex at the office: Oh ya all the time
x. been married: No ... i'm 18
x. gotten divorced: No
x. had children: Let's hope not
x. stripped at a party: Nooooo
x. literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street: Every night
x. jumped off a bridge: Ya (maybe not)
x. gone surfing: Ya but I suck
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