003. unreal stranger

Apr 26, 2010 13:06

The man's eyes glowed an almost unreal blue.

She takes her time, eyeing the stranger through slitted lids.  Her mouth is dry, but she doesn't dare swallow.  Any kind of movement showing fear or uncertainty would surely get her killed.

The man -- contrary to popular belief and imagination -- is wearing a bright yellow hoodie.  The article of clothing seems like it's made for a younger generation, but the man wears it well.  He looks young for his age.

Staring at the man isn't hard.  She thinks she can spend her whole life watching him, if need be.  But there are other bodily instincts that she needs to satisfy.  Her need to run, for one.  Fight or flight.  Her body's on edge.  And her mind screams, "flight!  flight!".  However, she finds that she cannot flee.

The man closes in and her eyes get bigger.
He smiles.  White teeth clashing with the bright pink tongue whirling around in his mouth.  He gasps a little breath of pleasure at the sight of her neck.  And then, faster than she can even think, he has bitten.

general, fiction, pg, [with]: oc

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