Lent begins on wednesday 22.02.2012 - and it is a time where Catholics and many other Christians settle down for the liturgical year and reflect on the eternal questions: "Who are we?" and "What are we here on earth for?"
These existential questions are difficult to answer - and certainly, 40 days are hardly sufficient for the depths of introspection which one needs to undergo to even begin asking these questions let alone answer them.
But this is what Lent asks us to do: To ponder, to contemplate and to review - year after year - it is not the same process being repeated - but rather a growth process which occurs (not re- occurs) every year. Each year is different, as we are each one individually a different person as the years pass by and add on to our life experience.
Some of us may have had a radical life review since Lent 2011, or perhaps, since then, we may have lapsed or regressed ... All these issues are to be taken stock of and we are asked to "return to the basics" - to come back home.
Lent is different from Advent. The Season of Advent in preparation for Christmas is an exciting time - it is an expectant waiting for the coming of Christ - the incarnation. So during Advent, we review our lives in the quest for progress and onward momentum. Wewant to progress, we want to refresh and add energy to our efforts already in place- we want to actualize and achieve. We are spurred onwards so as to welcome the incarnation of God in Christ - much like the rush to look for new clothes and buy presents in anticipation of Christmas - we want to respond to the Grace of God and bear fruits of spiritual gifts of faith, hope and love through our labour and work so as to offer them as gifts to new born Christ on Christmas day.
Lent, on the other hand - is a review of this Advent growth, a re-consideration of this progress and energy and efforts. Growth is only possible if one MANAGES and REVIEWS that growth and permit God's grace to continue working in us through the promptings of the Holy Spirit - sometimes,due to a disordered view or refusal to listen to the Holy Spirit, we may have given way to unruly growth which may even need pruning - and some malignant growth may even need uprooting.
eg: Have my increased and intensified prayer and liturgical life taken a toll on my family life? as in - have my good intentions to give praise and glory to God in the liturgical practices which I have chosen to do perhaps caused me to FAIL to love my family, friends and the needy. Have I chosen to hide from service to Christ in HIS PEOPLE whilst pretending to serve Christ in liturgical prayer? - These are the difficult questions which I will be confronting myself with this season of Lent.
So this is what Lent is about. It is about "coming back to basics". Was the Advent growth profitable, has it grown stagnant, has that "growth" turned ugly, malignant and not entirely positive in meaning; Has that growth brought about MORE love, or have we instead, failed to love?
So whilst Catholics and many other Christians will have a "programme" to follow - daily reflections which challenge our lives, our beliefs, attitudes, relationships etc, I would invite everyone - regardless of religion and belief or non belief - to join us in these 40 days of journeying "back to basics".
Identify and confront:
WHAT is it that we believe.
WHY do we believe those beliefs.
WHY do we DONT believe in other beliefs.
WHO is it that we are.
WHY do we do the things we do.
Why do we DONT do the things we DONT do.
40 days will never be enough. But choose one area of your life which is troubling you and which you would like to see some change, then ponder upon it over the next 40 days, seek help and guidance if you like - and grow.
Seen in this way, the season of Lent is hardly a burden - it is instead a wonderful gift of the Church in its "formation through liturgy"; and one which is as beautiful as it is historical.
May we all have a fruitful season of introspection for the season of Lent 2012.
Various Resources (catholic and others) for lent 2012:
http://marysaggies.blogspot.com/2012/02/lent-2012.html http://www.textweek.com/lent.htm http://www.osv.com/YourGuideToACatholicLent/tabid/8267/Default.aspx http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Lent/ - Daily Prayers for Lent 2012 for the entire season.
http://www.aboutcatholics.com/worship/lent_catholic_church/ - A basic history of the Lenten season.
will you join me ?