40 days after Christmas ...

Feb 02, 2011 10:09

The introduction to the Ceremony of Candles before mass this morning on this Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord goes like this:

The Lord will come with mighty power - and give light to the eyes of all who serve him. Alleluia

Forty days ago, we celebrated the joyful feast of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we recall the holy day on which he was presented in the temple, fulfilling the law of Moses and at the same time going to meet his faithful people. Led by the Spirit, Simeon and Anna came to the temple, recognised Christ as their Lord, and proclaimed him with joy.

This is why this feast is also called: Candlemas - it also marks the beginning of spring. In the colder countries - candlemas bells or "snowdrops" will start to peek out from the snow around this season ... mmmm

For dawn mass, I attended the Chapel of the Little Sisters of the Poor at their Old Folks Home service center which is very near my home. The ceremony of candles was conducted at the back of the chapel, with candles held by the nuns - some young, many old, some in wheelchairs - but all in lovely habits (their nun uniform outfits).

Many retired priests are in residence at the Old Folks Home. One such retired priest - Fr Henriot (MEP missionary priest from France - born in 1924, ordained in Paris in 1947 and who has been serving the Malaysian church since 1954 - he was expelled from China by the Communists in 1953 - China's loss is Malaysia's gain! He has no intentions of returning to Paris so long as his services are needed here in Malaysia. As with many MEP priests who serve the mission land, they leave France with the serenity and stoic knowledge that they may never step foot back on French soil ever again in their lives!) - is the regular presider at dawn masses here in the chapel.

As I watched them perform the ceremony of candles with lighted candles in their hands, I looked at their faces of utter serenity and love - many of these nuns and priests have served us - I have been taught by them in sunday school or even in St John's. These nuns are the backbone of the IJ Convents here in Malaysia, Singapore and many countries around the world. Together with the French MEP priests, they are filled with missionary zeal to spread the word of Christ to everyone - but with the method of a PERMANENT building up of local communities by way of PERMANENT service, mostly by education of the young and other social services. Their motto can be summed up as "serve first - preach later". Their first and foremost priority in their work is to raise up the conditions of living of the mission lands and only later, sow seeds of Christ. God's love is unconditional - aid and help is given to all - regardless of faith.

The Gospel reading of today gives us the canticle of St Simeon related in Luke 2: 23-32-

At last, all-powerful Master,
you give leave to your servant
to go in peace, acccording to your promise.

For my eyes have seen your salvation
which you have prepared for all nations,
the light to enlighten the Gentiles
and give glory to Isreal, your people.

This canticle is recited or sung as part of the Office of Compline - or night prayer - which all consecrated people of God (nuns and priests) pray every night as part of their liturgy of the hours or the "Divine Office". Many lay people now "do the office" - and it is a beautiful thing to consecrate the hours of the entire day to the Lord - asking him to be the center and reason for everything that we do and say.

On a side note - it is important to note that Christ - the son of God himself - was presented to his Father resident in the Temple in Jerusalem. The Son of God himself abided by the laws of the temple - even though he was way above these laws as he is God himself. This is a very important lesson to us - God is present in his heirachy and his church which he founded here on earth. We have to be Christ like in our humility to be part of this Church. We are a collegiate pilgrim church here on earth. We must never allow our pride to allow us to imagine that we can "do it alone". You cannot claim to be "following Christ" whilst ignoring his example of respect and adherence to temporal liturgical authority.

May we all be the Light to brighten any darkness which we see around us!

will you join me ?

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