I know only a few people read this, so it isnt vitally important or anything.. but I just wanted you all to know that I am alive.
I have been having alot on my plate for a while, and I have been feeling less than inspired to write..
I am still stressing a bit.. my job is really getting to me, but for several reason, I cant quit and I really cant get fired, so it has been foremost on my mind for a while.
I just spend a week with the inlaws. It was fun.. I didnt get to fish, which was a bit dissapointing, but I got to swim (or more like wade in the shallows) of the Gulf of Mexico, and I got pinched by a Blue Crab, then pinched by a large piece of furniture that they gave us. I also got bit by mosquitos and ants, so it was a very pinchy and bitey weekend.
The new quarter started here at college, but I am hoping that I will get time between class and work to write a bit. Last quarter, due to my hubby's computer not working I had to leave my laptop at home, but I have already told him that this quarter it *IS* coming with me, and it has all my stories on it.
Oh yeah.. and I am SO excited about going to AWA (my first anime con ever! WOO HOO!!) I am bummed that
havocmangawip can't be there, but I do get to meet
binaaryalchemist. I hope I don't scare her away!!!
And I will hopefully get to meet Mike McFarland, Vic Mignogna, Lauren Goodnight, and Chris Patton as well, that will be UBER COOL! (sorry, I dunno how to add the umulat.)
I am just waiting for the unitard to get here (hooray for waiting til the last momemnt) and I need to make the wristbands for Gluttony, and I need to finish sewing the tail and do little foam glueing for my Raccoon Mario.
So hopefulyl looks for some fics starting again maybe next week (with a break of course for AWA!!)
Stay cool!
PS I am sorry I havent been chatting either.. I havent been ont he computer too much.. but I promise I will be better about opening AIM and y!messenger!