2 Alphabet Drabbles (Mustang/Hughes, friendship) S and T

Jun 08, 2007 22:19

Title: S is for Smile
Author: SeaweedOtter
Characters: Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Silly.

Author's note: I got this idea from clinicly8insane who got the idea from h_mania. So I want to thank both of them.


Roy knew to fear the smile. When he saw his best friend walk into the room with a big smile on his face, it was trouble. Most of the time, that goofy grin on Maes’ face meant that he had a new batch of pictures to show him.

He tried as hard as he could to hate those times, when Maes burst in and made him stop whatever it was he was doing at the time to pay attention to him, and his photographs, and he would always look at his best friend with some combination of annoyance and boredom, but secretly he actually enjoyed it.

Not only did it let Roy stop the grueling and repetitive paperwork and give his tired hand a rest, but he really did care for Gracia and Elysia, and he liked to see what they had been up to. They were like a second family to him- more like a first, really- as he had no contact with any of his relatives.

More often than not, Maes would pepper his visit with jokes and anecdotes about what was going on around the office. He was an excellent source for gossip. Roy was not really a fan of gossip, per se, but if he listened intently to the man’s ramblings. If he was able to glean some information on his superiors that would help him move up towards the top, then that was all the better.

The vast majority of the gossip, however, focused on people who Roy mostly only saw in passing, and therefore, had very little interest in. But being in Investigations, Maes was good about finding things out about people that they didn’t want known- and there has been many a time that Maes had made Roy chuckle at the antics of his subordinate officers, like Havoc’s odd habit of picking at his fingernails when he was alone, or Falman actually practicing making faces in the bathroom mirror.

Of course, there was no way that Roy would ever admit it, but Maes was the only person who could ever get him to laugh. The alchemist wore his stone façade to the world- the little wooden solider of the military. He never admitted his hopes, or fears or aspirations to anyone besides his best friend- and to a lesser degree, his subordinate officers- both of which he trusted with his life, literally and figuratively (his military career).

Years later, he regretted that he never got to tell Maes how much the man made him laugh, or how much he actually looked forward to the times when he would barge into the colonel’s office, photos in hand, goofy smile plastered onto his long face.

It took a long time after the funeral for Roy Mustang to smile again.

Title: T is for Target
Author: SeaweedOtter
Characters: Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Angsty, with manga spoilers.

Author's note: I got this idea from clinicly8insane who got the idea from h_mania. So I want to thank both of them.


Being young and ambitious, Roy Mustang had always been the target for attacks, both on his character, and physically on his body. That never bothered him much. He was more than capable of taking care of himself, and he was well aware that the shortened lifespan that often came with putting on the blue uniform of the Amestris military.

He wasn’t prepared, however, when his own men and women were used against him to keep him from reaching the top. The house of cards that he had so carefully built up over the years of his military service came crashing down around him.

First it was his jester- Maes Hughes. The man had been too smart for his own good, and had found out some things about the military that many did not want revealed. Late one night, he was murdered in cold blood, his secrets going with him to the grave.

Soon after, it was one of his jacks- Jean Havoc, who had been with the colonel on a mission in an abandoned building. Roy had been attacked, but he had survived with relatively minor injuries, if one can call being run through by the homunculus, Lust minor. Unfortunately, Havoc had not fared as well against her. He had been paralyzed from the waist down.

His other jacks, Heymans Breda, Vato Falman, and Kain Fuery, were scattered to the four winds of the country, quite literally. They were sent to the northern, southern, and eastern command centers, well away from any easy contact with their colonel.

The final blow to Roy was to his queen- Riza Hawkeye. While he was infinitely glad that she hadn’t been harmed physically like the other two, in a way it was much, much worse. She was put under the direct command of Fuhrer Bradley, as his secretary. They both knew that Bradley was a homunculus as well, and this was the best way that the furher could make sure that Roy knew his place.

Roy knew that he was powerless to do anything. The king had no tricks left to play. He wished that Maes was here to help him- he had always been the much smarter of the two. Roy had no doubt that the man could have figured out a way to overthrow the homunculus without losing any more of his team. But it was a moot point. Maes was gone, and Roy was alone- a king without his men.

So Roy did what he could- he bided his time and watched his team from afar, waiting for the day when they would all be together again- a royal flush, trumping all.

roy mustang, fan fiction, maes hughes, mustang and hughes alphabet, one shot fic, fullmetal alchemist, roy x hughes

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