Gains and Losses- Chapter 14: "A Night Out" (Havoc)

Jun 05, 2007 11:59

This is the fourteenth chapter of the arc called "Gains and Losses". It is Havoc-centric. It is set in the mangaverse, so if you don't know what happens to Havoc around Chapter 38, then read it before you start this fic.

Title: A Night Out
Author: SeaweedOtter
Beta: The very VERY belated birthday girl havocmangawip
Characters: Jean Havoc, Maria Ross, and the rest of the gang
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Manga Spoilers... Set in the manga, a couple years after the end of Chapter 38. Maybe AU?
Summary: L- is for the way you look at me...

Author's note: FMA is property of Arakawa Hiromu, and Bones and the rest of them- and Le Cellier is property of the mouse ears. I liked the name Anyone who has been to the restaurant may recognize the descriptions of the restaurant and its food.

Read all the chapters so far HERE!

For the first part of the week, Havoc had been able to keep it together. He tried not to show his nervousness about his first date since the incident.

But by the time Thursday came around, he was a wreck. He could tell that both Hawkeye and Mustang knew something, but they had been oddly silent. Like they had been avoiding him for most of the week. That was what worried him, more than Mustang's usual habit of bugging him obsessively- trying to figure out what was wrong with him.

His concern increased exponentially when he found a note lying on his desk when he came into work on Friday morning.


You have a meeting with Lt. Colonel Hawkeye and myself today. Colonel Polsten has already been informed. You will be in my office at precisely 1500 hours. You owe me a conversation.

Fuhrer Mustang

Havoc gulped. He knew that his former commanding officer had to be formal when they were communicating around the office, but there was something about the tone of the letter, how the order was written, that unnerved him more than a little. He sighed and rubbed his temples. And even better, he thought, it cut right into his lunch time. Great.

He started towards the Fuhrer's office to give himself plenty of time. Even wheeling through the crowded hallways, he got there plenty early, and knocked on the outside office door.

"Come in." He knew that voice anywhere.


He opened the door and pushed himself into the massive office, with Hawkeye's huge desk not quite against the wall on one side. She looked up from her paperwork and gave Havoc a wide, warm smile.

"Hello, Lieutenant Havoc. The Fuhrer will see you now." To his surprise, she got up and walked over to the inner office door and opened it, holding it for him. He was confused for a moment. She has just seen him open the other door, why would he need help with this one? He frowned. He hated it when people helped him if he didn't need it. He wasn't helpless, damnit!

"Thanks." He said more than a little bitterly. "But I don't need.."

"I am going in as well, Lt. Havoc. Now if you please, after you."

"Oh." He wheeled himself in, and Hawkeye followed, closing the door behind her. Mustang looked up from a letter that he was reading, straining and holding it close to his face, like he was trying to understand it. He eagerly put it down, glad to have a reason not to stare at it for a while.

The Fuhrer swept his hand in front of the sandwiches that had been arranged on his desk. "Please, eat. I apologize for cutting into your lunch time, but this was the only free time that I had available today." Havoc grabbed a sandwich and started to munch on it.

"Now, to business." He folded his hands and leaned forward. "I know you remember that you owe me a conversation- right, Lieutenant Havoc?"

Havoc coughed, choking and sputtering on his sandwich. Mustang just grinned and leaned back in his plush leather chair.

"I will take that as a yes. Well, I wasn't sure what you were so nervous about earlier this week, but I just heard about what was going on. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how happy I am that you and Ms. Ross are getting along. I hear that you guys are going to go out on a date. I want to wish you both the best of luck."

Havoc swallowed the bite of sandwich he had in his mouth and put the rest down, flashing his former commanding officer a very confused look. 'How much does he know?' He wondered, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"I made some arrangements. I know you were going to take her to that Drachman restaurant, but I found a nicer place. It is usually hard to get reservations, but not if you are the Fuhrer." Mustang gave him a smug, confident smile and slid a piece of paper across the desk to Havoc. He picked it up and read it, his eyes going wide.

"Le- Le Cellier? That place is expensive! I.. appreciate the gesture, sir. But on my salary I can't afford to take myself, much less a date. I am sorry, Fuhrer." Havoc put the paper back down on the desk and slid it back towards the previous owner.

Mustang's face got serious. "Jean. This is my treat. It is so nice to see you so happy with someone. And she is so happy as well. I know.. well.. I may have caused some trouble in the past when it came to your love life. Consider this a repayment." He pushed the paper back once again.

"And I won't take no for an answer, Lieutenant Havoc." His grin was almost predatory, like he knew he had caught Havoc in an impossible situation.

"I.. um.. okay, sir. Thank you, sir."

"You are dismissed, Havoc. Please, take a couple of sandwiches when you go." He saluted, and smiled broadly again. "Oh yeah, and Ms. Ross doesn't have to know who paid for it. Neither of us will say anything to her, and if she asks, you can tell her whatever you like- you had money in the bank, your parents sent birthday money, whatever."

Havoc saluted, put a couple of sandwiches on a napkin in his lap, and turned towards the exit. "Thank you, sir."

Mustang grinned and waved, as he said "Good luck, Jean."


The next day, both Ross and Havoc wanted to rush through their morning exercises, in some vain hope that it would speed time up and the evening would come faster. As it was though, time seemed to drag quite a bit, especially for Havoc, when he had the apartment to himself in the early afternoon.

He tried to pass the time by assisting Ross and cleaning the living room, but after a couple of close calls when he almost knocked over a vase, he decided that cleaning in a wheelchair might not be too great of an idea with her tall shelves.

Havoc was able to do a little straitening up in the living room and in his room. He was also able to clean a little in the kitchen. He felt satisfied, and tired, by the time he had finally run out of things to clean. The bathroom looked good, and the only other room in the place was Ross' bedroom. He really felt weird about going in there was she wasn't around, so he figured that he would leave that cleaning to

Sufficiently tuckered out, he went to his room and laid down for a little bit, still disappointed at the amount of energy it took to do even simple things. He yawned and figured he would just rest his eyes for a few minutes, so he didn't even bother to set the alarm...


He was woken by Maria, who was gently shaking his shoulder. "Jean… Jean, wake up. It’s 1700 hours. Are you alright? Do you still feel well enough to go out tonight?"

Sleepily, he blinked a couple of times, then awoke with a start gripping the sheets tight. His eyes went wide. "Oh, Maria! Hey.. I am sorry." His voice was deep and thick with sleep. "Yeah, I’ll be okay, just give me a little while to get ready. I want to take a shower.

She blushed slightly and smiled. "I’ll shut the door behind me." She winked and smiled broadly. Ross turned and left.

Havoc yawned and stretched. He smiled at what Ross had said. Apparently she hadn't forgotten about the incident about a week before. He transferred to his chair and gathered the clothes that he wanted to wear on the date, and a towel- then opened the door and wheeled himself out of the room and down the hallway, towards the bathroom.

For whatever reason, he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.


Even for a man who had been in his wheelchair for almost half a decade, it took him the entire hour to take a shower, re-dress, and get ready for the date, including a shave that nearly cost him a tiny chunk of his ear. He was so nervous that his hand was shaking. It amazed him that he hadn't bled any worse than the half dozen tiny nicks he had.

By the time he rolled out of the bedroom and into the living room, it was almost 1800 hours, and Ross was waiting on the couch. She stood up when he came in and gently cleared his throat.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Havoc blushed and smiled moving forward and taking her hand. She smiled back and gave his hand a little squeeze.

"Are you ready? The taxi is already outside. I told him to wait."

He nodded his head and replied, "Let's go.

It was a short ride to the largest park in Central. Havoc paid the driver, and they headed towards the middle of the park. Havoc tried to hold her hand, but he couldn't maneuver his wheelchair at the same time.

"I know you don't like it, but I can push you if you want me to. It is up to you." Ross leaned down and whispered in his ear.

He sighed and shook his head. "I still wouldn't get to hold your hand. And you are right. I don't. But thanks anyways. I know you mean well."

Ross smiled back at him and stopped where they were, a secluded section of the park that she used to come to when she needed time to think alone. She had found it by accident years ago and kept coming back because it never seemed to be crowded like the rest of the park, especially in the evenings when she came after work to unwind.

She sat down at the end of a stone bench so Havoc could sit next to her. "Well, let's just stop here and not worry about who's pushing whom."

Havoc shook his head lightly and grinned, positioning himself parallel to her. He put his hand on top of hers and rested his head on her shoulder, shutting his eyes. "Mmm. This is really pretty. You can see the sun setting behind the trees."

"Yeah, Ross chuckled as she replied. I can't think of a more perfect evening."

For a while, no words needed to be said. They just stayed there, enjoying each other's company. The sun set, and the stars started to twinkle in the sky.

"That's the North Star." Havoc pointed to a bright star high up in the sky. "You remember in Basic, how they taught us to navigate with that star, so we always knew which way to go?"

"Yeah." Ross chuckled. "Navigation was never really my strong point, though. That was the only thing that almost kept me from not passing Basic Training. I never did like that North Star." She shook her fist playfully at the air.

"Hahah. You are really funny, Maria. I like that about you." He blushed and rubbed his finger over the back of her hand. He sighed, not wanting to move from this spot. "I.. guess we probably need to head back soon and catch a cab. This is wonderful, but we have a dinner reservation to make."

"You know, we really don't have to go, if you don't want to. It is really nice out here, and I wouldn't mind staying a little longer."

"Well, are going somewhere different for dinner. It was hard to get the reservations, so we really should try to make them. I promise you, you will love it." He took his hand reluctantly off of hers and started to go back towards the way they came.

"Oh, somewhere different, huh? Are you going to tell me where?" She stood up and walked half a step behind him, her hand on his shoulder.

"Nah, let's let it be a surprise!"

It took them less time to flag down a car then they’d thought it would, so they told the drive to take it nice and slow. Havoc sat in the front seat and whispered the address to the man, while Ross was packing his chair into the back seat.

They enjoyed the ride, even though they weren’t sitting together. While they meandered the streets of Central, Havoc pointed out some of the bars and hangouts that he and Breda and sometimes the rest of the gang- Falman and Fuery and even occasionally Hawkeye and Mustang went to after dinner. She had never joined then when she was a part of Central Command. She wasn't in their unit, and she didn't know any of them that well at the time.

"Le Cellier?" Ross asked when they pulled up. "Are you kidding? We can't afford to eat here. Besides, how in the world did you get a reservation? I heard this place books up to a year in advance sometimes!"

Havoc smiled and opened his door. "Well, as for the reservation, it is good to have friends in high places." His grin grew wider. "And as for affording it, you let me worry about that. I already said that this was my treat. You can order whatever you want."

"Jean, are you sure?"

"Yes, now your orders are to have a good time and don't worry!" Jean smiled and transferred to his chair after Ross had unfolded it for him. He paid the driver, and left a generous tip for taking his time and keeping the location a surprise.

The doorman for the restaurant held the door for them, and Havoc pulled the Matri'D aside and explained the situation. He nodded, as he told Havoc that everything had been arranged by the Fuhrer's secretary, and that they should enjoy themselves.

"Thank you, sir." Havoc shook his hand, tipping him discreetly as he did so. He led them down a small ramp into the main dining room, where the light was low and flickering, and came mostly from the small glass lamps on each able. He took them to a secluded table towards the back of the restaurant where a chair had already been taken away to leave room for
Havoc to sit.

Havoc took a moment to look around. It was near perfect. Wood tables with low wooden chairs, metal and glass chandeliers that gave off a dim, even light, low, arching ceilings that really gave the appearance that you were in a wine cellar. The tables were immaculately set with
linen napkins and an assortment of silverware that neither he nor Ross were sure what all of them were used for. They giggled about it, and were very relieved when Paul, their waiter explained all of the tableware to them.

They took a while to order from the menu, which was in a foreign language that neither of them recognized, as well as their own. Eventually, they settled on an appetizer of tomatoes in some sort of sour, acidic dressing with mushrooms. Havoc had steak with a side of creamy rice and vegetables, and Ross chose fish with sweet bread and corn.

Even though both of them were stuffed, they couldn’t resist the desert menu and got a small chef's sampling, which included, cheese, puddings, and other wonderful, creamy things that they couldn't even begin to know what they were.

"Oh. I am stuffed. I don't think I can move."

Havoc patted his stomach, as he said, "Yeah. But I really don't want this night to end."

"Yeah, me either."

"You know, we are actually not that far from your apartment. The park was a ways away, but we came back towards you apartment for the restaurant."

"Ah, so you think we should walk this off, huh?" Ross smiled and daintily wiped her mouth with her napkin.

"Don't tell me you are afraid of walking at night."

"Not with you here to protect me, I'm not, she replied."

Havoc blushed just a little. The waiter brought the check that had already been taken care of, and a couple of mints that they pocketed for later. They thanked him and Havoc left a generous tip for the excellent service.

He chuckled to himself, thinking that the three tips that he’d left, would have probably paid for dinner at the Drachman restaurant. But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he was very glad he got to be a part of it.

"Shall we, Ma‘am?" Havoc brushed his hand against hers, and started to wheel towards the exit. He had a little trouble going up the ramp, but he refused help and eventually got to the top, a light sheen of sweat on his brow. Suddenly he was wondering if he could make it back without tuckering out, but he promised when he agreed to the date that he wouldn't flake out early.

"Jean, are you sure you will be alright? We really can call a cab if you want." Havoc smiled. She was so caring, and she seemed to pick up on even his smallest nuances.

"Nah. It’s okay. It is cool outside. I am sure it will feel good." He smiled and wheeled to the exit, which the doorman opened for them again.

"Have a good night, Sir, Ma‘am." He bowed slightly. They smiled and waved at him, and were off.

The night was crisp and cool, with a slight breeze blowing from behind them as they started their trek back. The sky was bright and almost cloudless, with only a few light, wispy puffy clouds tracking slowly across the moon. The roads in Central were well lit, and neither of them felt nervous at all. There were still plenty of people milling about, trying to find stores that were still open at that time of the night.

Havoc did stop a couple of times to rest his arms, and when he did, Ross came around and gave his hand a little squeeze. They didn't talk much. Neither of them were too sure about what to say, and just being close to each other seemed to be enough for both of them.

They were both more than slightly disappointed when the apartment building came into view a short time later. Ross unlocked the door, and they paused in the living room, where the whole night had started.

"So, this is where we kiss goodnight, right?" Havoc felt his cheeks tinge slightly heat up. He looked up at Ross with a goofy smile.

"I think so. But do you want to turn in? I can put a pot of coffee on for us if you want."

Havoc sighed softly, and then replied, "I wish I could, but I am so tired. I was trying to not think about it, but I admit that it took a little more out of me than I thought it would." He smiled. "Maybe I can take a rain check on the coffee, and we can try this again sometime?"

"I would like that a lot."

She sat at the edge of a chair, and Havoc rolled over to her, taking her hand and kissing it softly. "I had a wonderful time, Ms. Ross." His grin was slightly mischievous.

"Why thank you, Mr. Havoc. It was wonderful." She leaned towards him. She was close enough to smell his aftershave and the lingering odor of cigarettes, even though he hadn't smoked a single one the entire night, and she knew how hard that must have been for him.

She leaned in closer and closed her eyes, not surprised when she felt a warm pair of lips press against hers. She could hardly breathe. She had been waiting for this, and now that it was here it hardly seemed real. It was him, and it was her, and the whole world just stopped for
a few brief moments.

She could hear him sigh audibly when he broke away. He was as loathe to end it as she was. She opened her eyes and looked at the red-faced man.

"G-g-good night, Maria."

"Goodnight, Jean." She got up and walked back to her bedroom, closing the door behind her softly. He wanted to follow her so badly. He actually rolled once in that direction, but turned around and headed back towards his room.

He knew a good night's sleep was not an option.

fan fiction, jean havoc, maria ross, multi-chapter fic, havoc x ross, fullmetal alchemist, gains and losses

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