Room 314 | Afternoon | Thursday | January 6

Jan 06, 2011 14:20

After class, Percy (and his headache) had come back to his room so he could take a few aspirin, turn off the lights and flop belly first on his bed. He figured the fact that he had a headache was deserved and that water could heel most things but a headache wasn't really physical so he was stuck dealing.

He wasn't tired though so he found himself watching the fountain on his desk in between bouts of closing his eyes and thinking. It had been a good spar up until the point of idiocy and Percy thought they'd do it again...because this last time had totally not counted.

It had also told him he needed to train more. A lot more. The time spent flaking off during the holidays was evident so his desire to train and get better was renewed. Later, though. He'd train later. Now, he was going to laze around in the dark and wait for his aspirin to kick in.

[Door's closed but the post, she is open!]

places; room 314, people; luke

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