Lots of stuff happening! It's sad that
enlaire's on hiatus but it's a good thing to see
inks improving on her icon batches and getting more and more people to watch the comm 8D Anyway, I'm here to say that
pimped over at
keuu was nice enough to invite me so I'll be posting my icons there for now on. But I'm not going to leave
lumierezione, goodness no. I love both of these girls just to get up and leave entirely. I'm just going to be cross posting to here so you guys don't have to leave this community(if there's anyone whose here for me, just what is crossing your mind o.o) but posting at
keuu so don't unjoin this community to follow me there! Feel free to watch both
lumierezione and
keuu at the same time!
inks and
enlaire are great iconists, much better than me, I must say and I don't wanna shroud them up with my useless stuff. Just take a look at my last icon post XDD;;
Thanks to everyone here whose given me comments that you actually DID like my icons! I really did appreciate it!♥