State of the Union

Feb 02, 2005 21:27

"I will listen to whoever has a good idea." Read as i will listen to my close friends. Bush is at this moment outlining his ideas for saving Social Security. He keeps on speaking to those who have children in their 20's. Now it seems to me that as one of those who is actually in my 20's I would like my future to be discussed with me not my parents. The idea of my folks and their contemporaries standing up for my good in such an egalitarian manner seems almost absurd. I know my parents too well. Don't we already have a system of 401k's and other accounts?
Now the joy about the family values. President Bush briefly mentions stem cells, with a disguised aside about abortion. He was even more shorter about same sex marriages but it never goes away when reactionary christians are on the march. What is so threatening about two guys holding hands?
President is now standing up for the protection of wrongfully convicting minorities. However it still seems reasonable to hold foreigners incommunicado and coerse them into giving information on terrorism. THese same minorities need to be steered away from violence. However this message is lacking coming from a leader who invaded two nations.
I really love the points in the speech when only one or two people are happy. It is just such a great sign of how bipartisan his speech is supposed to be.
My roomates brought up an interesting point. What is the record for countries invaded under one president. I figure we'll be generous and only mark up Vichy France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, and many other nations got nixed from the list. So if Pres. Bush sets his mind to it he might be able to tie the record with Iran and Syria.
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