(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 10:37

StoneApassionata: man
Dan10846: ?
StoneApassionata: we had a crazy night last night
Dan10846: lol
Dan10846: do tell
StoneApassionata: well
StoneApassionata: kara and i went out to treasure island where scott lives
StoneApassionata: to play some poker
StoneApassionata: then we went for a walk
StoneApassionata: and like
StoneApassionata: i tried to jump up and clack my heels like a leprechaun and fart at the same time
StoneApassionata: and i couldnt do it
StoneApassionata: and we kept walking
StoneApassionata: then totally out of the blue
StoneApassionata: scott who is like 6'4
StoneApassionata: and 200+ pounds
StoneApassionata: just jumps up, clacks his heels, and farrrrts
StoneApassionata: it was so funny
StoneApassionata: anyway
StoneApassionata: that day, I bought scott a present
StoneApassionata: he's a pirate
StoneApassionata: and we were in walgreens
StoneApassionata: and I bought him a real eyepatch
StoneApassionata: so he has this eyepatch
StoneApassionata: and we were on the bus back from treasure island and hes wearing it
StoneApassionata: and this guy is just like staring at him, totally freaked out
StoneApassionata: we had to switch busses at the transbay terminal
Dan10846: ????
StoneApassionata: and scott ended up sitting next to this asian lady
Dan10846: 'cus he was wearing an eyepatch?
StoneApassionata: yeah
Dan10846: lol
StoneApassionata: haha
StoneApassionata: and she kept like
StoneApassionata: looking over at him
StoneApassionata: trying to figure out what was wrong with his eye
StoneApassionata: then, he just casually reached up
StoneApassionata: and switched the eye the patch was on
StoneApassionata: it was sooooo funny
StoneApassionata: she just got this totally disgusted look on her face
StoneApassionata: and refused to look at any of us again
Dan10846: hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
StoneApassionata: then
StoneApassionata: this crazy guy gets on the bus
StoneApassionata: and starts telling everyone loudly
StoneApassionata: to keep their eyes on their opponent
StoneApassionata: and hes not their opponent
StoneApassionata: etc.
StoneApassionata: so, our stop comes up
StoneApassionata: and the guy is ranting
StoneApassionata: and as scott steps off the back door
StoneApassionata: he turns
StoneApassionata: and looks directly at the crazy man
StoneApassionata: and hes glaring at him with this one big blue eye
StoneApassionata: and very deliberately
StoneApassionata: he reaches up, and switches the patch to the other eye
StoneApassionata: and glares with that eye
StoneApassionata: BLEW this guys fucking mind
StoneApassionata: he like
StoneApassionata: didnt know how to react for like
StoneApassionata: 8 whole seconds
StoneApassionata: and we were ten steps away
StoneApassionata: when this guy came barelling off the bus
StoneApassionata: and like, he jumped out of the seat and tried to get out of the back doors just as they were closing
StoneApassionata: and they closed on his head
StoneApassionata: and he just charged through like a rhino
StoneApassionata: RUSHES up after us
Dan10846: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!
StoneApassionata: and I was like "oh, yes, he's gonna freak out on scott, and then scott will get to use some of his bok fu"
StoneApassionata: instead
StoneApassionata: he rushes up with this busted cellphone
StoneApassionata: and a little magnet
StoneApassionata: and hes like
StoneApassionata: MAGIC MAN!
StoneApassionata: MAGIC MAN!
StoneApassionata: as he chases up to us
StoneApassionata: and he takes out the magnet
StoneApassionata: and hes like "look, look here, look at this"
StoneApassionata: "the magnet"
StoneApassionata: "the magnet stick, see"
StoneApassionata: and he kept trying to stick it to things
StoneApassionata: and it wouldnt stick
StoneApassionata: wouldnt stick to his cellphone
StoneApassionata: he was like "the magnet stick"
StoneApassionata: *tries to stick it to a pipe jutting out of the wall
StoneApassionata: *magnet falls
StoneApassionata: "the magnet stick"
StoneApassionata: *tries to stick it to a lightpost
StoneApassionata: *magnet falls
StoneApassionata: "shit, but what it goan stick to??"
StoneApassionata: *tries to stick it to a garbage can
StoneApassionata: *magnet sticks
StoneApassionata: *teo and scott keep walking
StoneApassionata: he looks up and is like
StoneApassionata: "HEY CMERE"
StoneApassionata: "OH
StoneApassionata: "YOU DON WAN LEARN?
StoneApassionata: "FUCK YOU DEN"
StoneApassionata: "YOU DON WAN LEARN?
StoneApassionata: and scott goes
StoneApassionata: "NARRR"
StoneApassionata: and the guys like "FUCK YOU DEN, YOU DON WAN LEARN"
StoneApassionata: and a connecting bus was just pulling up on van ness
StoneApassionata: and we had to run to catch it, which we did
StoneApassionata: so were riding along on that bus
StoneApassionata: and most of the people get off before our stop
StoneApassionata: its one of those double length busses, right?
Dan10846: oh my god dude
Dan10846: right
StoneApassionata: with the bendy shit in the middle?
Dan10846: uh huh
StoneApassionata: so, we're the only 3 people on the back of the bus
StoneApassionata: and theres one like
StoneApassionata: little old lady in the very front seat
StoneApassionata: the guy is driving along
StoneApassionata: stops at a light or something
StoneApassionata: starts again, and from our right, scott, kara, and I
StoneApassionata: hear WHACK
StoneApassionata: on the bus
StoneApassionata: and automatically I'm like "OOHHHHH"
StoneApassionata: and the drivers like "what happened??"
StoneApassionata: and I was like "I think you just hit that guys door"
StoneApassionata: "he cant close it"
StoneApassionata: and the drivers just like
StoneApassionata: driving along like whatever
StoneApassionata: and im looking out the back window
StoneApassionata: and this dude is mad pissed
StoneApassionata: and the door to his uglyass suv is all half crumpled
StoneApassionata: and hes all trying to shut that shit
StoneApassionata: and hes like slamming it as hard as he can
StoneApassionata: and it keeps bouncing open
StoneApassionata: and for whatever reason, he had a walker next to him
StoneApassionata: a few blocks later
StoneApassionata: he catches up with the bus
Dan10846: !
StoneApassionata: and hes driving along side the buys
StoneApassionata: *bus
StoneApassionata: and his dome light is on
StoneApassionata: and his door is like
StoneApassionata: flapping in the breeze
StoneApassionata: and hes trying to shout at the driver
StoneApassionata: and the driver keeps telling him to meet him at the end of the line and that he has to call the police
StoneApassionata: and the driver asks us if we'll stay on till the end of the line
StoneApassionata: and hes like kinda scared
StoneApassionata: that this guy is gonna like shoot him
StoneApassionata: so we stay to the end of the line
StoneApassionata: and the guy never shows
StoneApassionata: but we talked it over
StoneApassionata: and it was pretty clear that it was the guys fault
StoneApassionata: because it hit the BACK half of the bus
StoneApassionata: when, if it had been open before the bus came through, it would have hit the front, because they travel along the same line, you know?
Dan10846: u huh
Dan10846: *uh huh
StoneApassionata: and we looked at the side of the bus, and there was a ding where the door had hit an ad on the back
StoneApassionata: and a little scrape where the bus had kept going
StoneApassionata: and that was it
StoneApassionata: and the guy never showed
StoneApassionata: so we gave our names and numbers to the driver
StoneApassionata: and he just took us home
StoneApassionata: and that was our night xD
Dan10846: wow
Dan10846: thats intense dude
StoneApassionata: it was awesome

and that about sums up our night

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