"Challenge" Shot Originally uploaded by
RainPacket. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a fashion/lighting workshop held by
Dean Zulich. I went along with my friend Shay, who also had a chance to shoot with the 5D Mark II that I got back in December.
A designer, stylist and several models donated their time (in trade for photos for their portfolios). We shot in several challenging lighting situations (outdoors, in bright foggy sunlight, for one... a nightmarish lighting challenge!), and discussed techniques and so on.
In the end of the shoot, Dean issued a challenge; we had one strobe and softbox, and the use of one of the models there. And we could shoot anywhere in the studio or outside, but once the strobe was moved to that area we had five minutes to get our lighting the way we wanted, get the model in position, and get the shot. We had to pick one shot from that five minute challenge to submit to be judged at the end.
In my case, I discovered I still had the 100mm prime on the camera /after/ the timer was running. I could not physically get far enough back to get the wide view I had planned for the shot. So I rethought quickly on the fly and came up with this shot instead. In the end, I won second place, to my surprise! (This image embedded in this post.)
Overall, a good learning experience, made some good photography contacts, and really had a good time. I hope to shoot with some of them again.
Dean's writeup of the workshop is
on his blog.