Nov 22, 2006 13:30
so i have not updated much, shocking? i know! anyways. not much has gone in mylife that anyone would find fasinating. oh well you get to read about it anyway. I was sick for like a week and a half, resulting in no paycheck, and no school. i am failing my psych class, and my not get grant money next quarter. i am starting to think, as well, that maybe college just isn't the thing for me. i sometimes feel like i go just to make my mom and family happy. i like to learn and stuff, but i am so mentally challenged that it is hard for me to keep that info in my brain, resulting in sucky test scores. amazing how easy high school was, you could just bullshit your way through. i think i just suck at school. that is it. bored yet? amazing when one has nothing to write about, what does that say about one's self? hmm....possibly it is due to the fact that i am to lazy to do anything, i am also tired all the time, cuz i have sleeping issues, which matt is well aware since i talk to him on aim tell like 4 in the morning, since i am bored and he is the only one awake at such an odd hour. I don't know why i have just sleep issues. i have always had them since i was a wee one. i should probably go talk to a doctor about it. hmmm....i hate doctors, i see to many of them , cuz you know i don't see enough of them. don't know what i mean? her ya go:
1. rare random ass cancer ( was not actually present in my bottom, but in my femer bone.)= surgery=6 inch scare on my leg
2. neurologist, EEG, MRI, ect. due to Epileptic seizure in class, 4th period first semester, highschool. yay medicine..... :(
Ya so i don't like doctors. i have to go back soon, but i am avoiding making an appointment. What are they going to tell me that i don't already know?
don't know if there is anymore random boring shit i can tell you, but there you go for now, i am sure i can come up with something. have fun. peace