I DEEPLY apologize for the heir poll. I am a LJ dummy, and have no idea how the polls work, but thank you for voting in the comments. I promise the next poll I do will actually work. Thank you for votes *kisses*
Last time: Atlas proposed to his gf Maggie, Booker and Cheryl grew into young adults, and Bruce and Sylvie did boring parent stuff
First of all I rebuilt the Fish's house after yet another sleepless night spent fooling around on my laptop. Time for a super lame house tour. Bathe in my poor decorating skills.
Dining room
Living room
The upstairs. Ignore Booker and Atlas' room because it's a hot mess in there.
Once again, Bruce and Slyvie's room is boring, and the bathrooms are too cramped for me to take pictures of (also I'm lazy).
Cheryl got a job in the political career.
Cheryl: *plots plots plots*
Only good will come of this decision, I'm sure
She got this pop up from her boss omg. How professional.
Cheryl: Not on your life.
Cheryl Fish doesn't sleep her way to the top.
She manipulates and play mind games w/ everyone around her
Atlas is still writing his nerd stories in his Marty Mcfly puffy vest.
And here's our Gen Two heir pumping iron in his actual athletic clothes.
Booker: Help me I'm dying :(
I mostly took this picture to show how cute Cheryl is (I'll miss you bb), but also to show I got Seasons.
You can't tell, but it's summer rn.
I love how they pixelate the horse butt when they pee.
Censor the horse nudity pls. There are children about.
Nothing like picking up men at your older brother's bachelor party.
Cheryl: Hi, I'm Cheryl.
Guy: Judson. Nice to meet you.
Cheryl: .... Really.
EA names make me lol
Atlas: Book, don't you dare. This is my favorite top hat.
Cheryl: Ignore them. That's what I always do.
Favorite thing about Generations are the strippers party dancers.
Military themed? Good choice.
Sylvie: You move wonderfully, Mr. Astaire.
Old Man: ....
Sylvie loves grinding on old man junk, I guess.
I took so many pictures of the party dancer. Forgive me.
Cheryl: If you pee on me I will end you.
Judson was never seen again.
Seriously he disappeared from everyone's relationship panel.
They danced in the living room until the next morning.
Cheryl: Get me out of here, please.
In due time, Cher.
The party dancer was still dancing even after everyone left lol.
Sylvie: Can you leave?
It's Sylvie's birthday!!
Sylvie: Yaay I'm old now! Cataracts here I come!
She's so excited she clipped through the kitchen counter.
Awww what a cute old lady you are, Sylvie :')
I gave her this crazy hair that came with Seasons.
Bruce's turn.
Bruce: The flames. They dance for me.
The party dancer and handyman decided they wanted to celebrate too.
Bruce: Oh well. Time for bed.
Sylvie: La la la don't curr.
Bruce is also a cute old man :)
Enter pretty NPC firefighter two hours after the fire was put out.
Who the fuck called 911 >:( I bet it was that damn party dancer.
Screw u pretty NPC firefighter.
Bruce then retired at 2 am in the morning causing everyone in the house to WAKE UP for some dumb reason.
Booker got arrested lol.
He is living the thug life.
Cheryl: Yes iId like my own house far far faaaaaar away from these crazy people. thank you :3
And then she ran off somewhere, and I can't find where her new place is :( :(
Bye Cheryl. You live in spare limbo now.
Old people kissing yeee ♥
I wanted to have their private wedding at the summer festival, but it was raining >:(
Atlas: Deeeerp
Maggie: Don't make me regret this, Fish.
Booker pls
Booker: Yo yo yo guess who's back from prison??
Maggie: wtf
Sylvie: who let that trash bag back in here?
She rolls wishes to see Booker and Cheryl get married, but she couldn't give less of a shit about Atlas/Maggie lol
Of course they had to to do it in the tree house.
The next day everyone went to the summer festival, and this happened while they were gone ;A;
Pet deaths break my heart :(
Grimmy: Now strike a badass pose!
RIP Madam ;A;
Maggie: Bet you can't hit me durr!!
Maggie: omfg my uterus
What if maggie was the gen 3 baby maker, bruce?
bruce: lol doesn't matter now
booker entered the hot dog - WOAH WHAT IS THAT??
he won obviously
booker: :D
i love you, you crazy son of a bitch
atlas got a spray tan, but you can't see it well because of the lighting
Atlas: Oh wow I'm actually gorgeous.
Sylvie: Stop this ride I wanna get off D:
I needed to start gen 3 (or is it gen 2? i'm so confused) like yesterday, so Atlas and Maggie moved out to this house down the street. Please have cute babies.
I sent Booker to this bar to meet chicks, but there wasn't anyone there, so he danced instead.
Sylvie: If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.
So Sylvie went to harass their next door neighbor, Amy.
Sylvie: Please marry my son I need grandchildren please.
Sylvie: You should come over and meet him. I'm sure you'd like him. He has a wonderful personality. Very sane and intelligent. Not batshit bonkers bananas at all.
Amy: Uh I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't think that's a good idea. You're kind of wigging me out.
She did come over the next day though. Curiosity got the best of her, I'm sure.
Booker: Nice to meet ya. Sorry about my lack of shirt and rock hard abs.
Amy: :|
Sylvie: *innocent dancing not spying*
Sylvie is me omfg
Amy: Oh shit sorry!!
Booker: It's nothing, babe. It's nothing.
Amy: Hey, are you crying?
Booker: .....no.
I love all of these new interactions hahaha. She stepped on his foot btw.
Amy: Hehehe I hit the motherlode.
Girl doesn't know what she's in for.
Bruce got his face painted at the festival, and for some reason it won't come off??
Oh well I kind of like it.
Jack o'lanterns from left to right: Sylvie's, Bruce's (great job), and Booker's.
Bruce has taken to walking around naked.
Bruce: Just letting the boys out for some fresh air.
Booker: Babe, I was thinking. Maybe instead of living in this shit shack you can come live w/ me and my sexually active parents. And you can bear my children. All seven Booker Jrs.
Amy: Okay!
Welcome to the legacy, girlfriend
Amy: What is happening right now.
Her LTW is to be a one-man band, so she got a lime green guitar ♫
Sylvie is dressed like a hot dog cause I wanted to throw a costume party.
*pets screen*
Booker dressed like a boring soldier guy boo.
He's not even wearing a hat. Disappoint.
It's not a party unless someone throws up in your toilet.
Blizz you aren't even wearing a cotume >:(
The Fish family is still haunted by burglars.
Girl: Can I have some candy please?
Amy: gtfo I'm about to get laid.
The red hot tub lights make all of these pictures look demonic FYI.
Amy: Wanna do it?
Booker: DO WHAT?
Amy: Thank god you're cute.
Next time on the Fish Legacy~
+winter fun
Thanks for reading ♥