Life updates.

Jan 24, 2010 11:07

♥ Went into work this morning thinking no one was able to cover me. Walked out two minutes later after finding out that Joe covered my shift. Sometimes my job isn't so bad.
♥ I've been really getting into Vocaloids over the past weekend and I'd like to watch some PVs. (There is no reason that I should be as amused by PoPiPo as I am.) Any suggestions?
♥ Nose is still running, eyes are still pink. And apparently I have to go to school tomorrow! Joy.
♥ I have history HW to do. After that I'll probably watch more Soul Eater and How I Met Your Mother.
♥ Tetris DS finally came in all the way from Hong Kong!!! 8DDD
♥ I'm finally on HIMYM Season Four and Barney/Robin STILL hasn't happened.
♥ Work schedule for this week: 1/25: 4-1030, 1/30 - 11-5, 1/31 - 830-330.

/goes back to work

...or reading TVTropes OTL

fandom: how i met your mother, fandom: vocaloid, work sucks i know, fandom: tetris, fucking pink eye, i hate strep, fandom: soul eater

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