I have not been home in over two days. I now know what it is like to be a boarding student, except for the fact that I have not stayed at Tilton these two days. I stayed at My grandmother's house night before last and then stayed at Lauren's house last night... (finish this later)
I am extremeley and utterly outraged! I am so mad right now. I cannot understand why people have to be so utterly and extremely close minded when it comes to everything. I was looking up different information on wicca when this site poped up...
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.onmission.com/webzine/sept_oct03/images/wicca.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.onmission.com/webzine/sept_oct03/wicca.htm&h=400&w=400&sz=31&tbnid=IwFLSO0l-5oJ:&tbnh=120&tbnw=120&start=7&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwicca%26hl%3Den%26lr%3DIt is so untrue, so discriminatory, and so close minded. For one, wiccans do not worship curses, we are not evil people, if you are going to write an article against us, make sure you know what you are talking about. Yes, most wiccan's are female, that is not because we feel that the lack of respect from the christain religion is an outrage there for we are "revolting" from it and joining this religion. We share the views held close to the Wiccan religion and there for we join. we are not converting out of sheer spite... how dare he accuse me of this. This is the most closed minded and arrogant thing to say. we realize that there are other people who believe in different things other than us, and we respect them, how can you not do the same. I am against the christan religions so much, especially the catholic religion, yet I do not discriminate against people who hold those beliefs to be true. I am respectful of their beliefs and I don't tell them they are wrong, becuase in the end our goddess and their god is one divine being, we all worship the same force in different forms with different beliefs and guidlines to back up our religion. How someone can be this rude is unbelievable! "They are looking for harmony with nature rather than dominion over it." Is this wrong? is this bad to worship nature... yes, we believe that nature is the root of all, and we don't destroy it... is it better to worship nature and love it, or to destroy it for unuseful purposes? And let me just say before I make people upset, I am not saying by ANY means that all christians are like this because I know for a fact that they are not. I am just saying that I am in awe that anyone could be that rude and close minded. “If you take the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our Bible IS the wind and the rain.”2 can you tell me if you believe that that statement is arrogant... Tell me if it's arrogant to be accepting of gay rights, and women's rights? Is that arrogant, this man that wrote this sounds as if he is disgusted that we tolerate such a thing, I think it's disgusting that you don't! Are you absolutely serious when you give signs to look for when your teen is becoming wiccan? Is it aweful? Seriously... this is the most biast, steriotypical thing I have ever read in my entire life and it enrages me! "Why are teenagers drawn to Wicca? The appeal of “magick” is “inside information” on how the world works behind the scenes, and getting power that others don’t have. Some teen-agers feel powerless and alone and seek to gain some kind of advantage over their peers. For others Wicca is simply a fad, a fun secret shared with close friends. Regardless of the motivation, Wicca continues to be effective in drawing in new recruits." There is no way that teens could possibly believe in this and want to convert because they feel that this religion fits more to their beliefs? There is no way that students are taking a path that's right for them. "heaven" forbid teens do anything that doesn't involve the christian church... How dare they infer anything like that. How dare they????? I am inraged! How the fuck is Wicca a threat to your household? HOW DARE YOU!
I honestly don't think that people realize how peaceful and how wonderful this religion really is, it is so calming, and it is so realaxing and just puts you to peace. Ashley and I had such a wonderful talk about how we believe that the religion is just the best becuase it just puts you so close with your surroundings, it makes you realize how much we has human beings take nature for granted. If we were to go for a walk out in the woods while talking of the Wicca religion I dare you to tell me that you had not seen your surroundings in a whole new light that how you had seen them before hand. Even if you do not believe in this sort of thing, you would look around you as I was telling you my beliefs and you would see the beauty of mother nature all around you and you would see the goddess shining throughe everything you looked at. She is every where and she is beautiful no matter what anyone tells me. I am so proud of my beliefs and I am so strongly believing in them that I have no idea how anyone could tell me that they are bad. They are the farthest thing from bad. Being religious has never felt so right, so extremely wonderful and just comforting. I was a Protestant, I was babtised... Is babtising a way for parents to make sure their children are free of their sins from the moment they are born... when they are not even old enough to talk never mind sin. Who wants to worry their whole life of how they are offending "God" and if Jesus really died for our sins, why is it then that we ourselves are made to watch them. If Jesus cleared all these sins, then why is it that you still have them.
I'm not trying to disprove the Christian religion, I am just asking saying that i do not understand this at all. I hope that if you disagree with me you voice your opinion and I hope that if you have answers or counters to what I am saying I hope that you voice them and let me know, I would love to hear what others have to say!