Jun 23, 2028 21:53
Yesterday I had a situation that I still just don't know what to think about it. I heard from a coworker that another store manager in my area had left her store unattended (like, just walked out of the store and left it, and all the diamonds, all alone) to go to the bathroom. The policy is that if you are in your store alone and need to go to the bathroom, that you shut the gates and notify security that you are leaving. You can't just walk out. Anyway, I told my boss that I heard this, my intention being only for him to let her know what the policy is and be done with it. It's not that big of a deal, as she's a new manager and this is just stuff that you learn along the way.
I told my boss about it because I figured that it would hold more clout coming from him rather than me. I'm very security minded and I think that these procedures are very important.
A little while later, I got a call from one of her associates saying that she had called me a 'stupid, immature little kindergartner' and she thought I was ganging up on her because she's new. There are so many things wrong with that, I can't even begin to point them out. I will just say that I was in no way trying to gang up on her and have absolutely no reason to.
Well, I had a series of reactions to this news. At first, I laughed. A shocked kind of "whaaaaaa?!" laugh.
Then I started to feel a little guilty that she felt I was attacking her.
I guilted myself so hard, that I actually called her up to apologize. Instead of graciously taking my apology (which in my opinion, was not even necessary), she flipped out on me! She called me (to my face!) a stupid immature little teenager, told me I was starting drama and I was picking on her. This woman totally lost her shiz on me! She starting going on about how she's forty years old and doesn't need my high school drama and she's a single mom and her life is hard and blah de dah de blah. The kicker is, after she told me I was acting immature, she goes "Don't you think?"
UHHHHHH........... NO!!
I happen to think I am a pretty mature twenty four year old, thank you very much!
I finally got off the phone with her and this is where I am now.
I'm mad! I can't believe she would disrespect another manager the way she did to me. I feel that what I did was completely within reason and I don't see in any way how it paints me as a kindergartner. I am offended and have completely lost any respect for her that I might have had.
I feel like I should say something to my boss, but I have reasons why I don't want to.
A. I don't want to start any further drama with her. At this point, if I leave it alone the situation will be fine.
B. I'm angling for Manager of the Year this year. If I start having catfights with other managers, it will seriously kill my credibility. If I can keep up the current trend this year, which I can, I think I have Manager of the Year in the bag. Manager of the Year matters to me because I'm stepping down. I want to have that in my pocket when the time comes that I want to be a manager again.
C. I am fighting an enormous stigma as it is. I am the youngest manager in my area, which consists of about 20 states. My store is doing really well, but I still fight this on a weekly basis. I don't want to further besmirch my name.
So. What should I do? Should I just let it go and secretly despise her or should I say something to my boss and possibly lose out on Manager of the Year?
The other reason why I want to tell my boss is that if she disrespects me that much, lord only knows how she treats her associates. It's just not right.