The big move.

Aug 10, 2026 21:10

So today was my last day at work here in the portland/metro area. I can't begin to tell you how weird it is training someone for your own position. I can't help but feel a sense of loss. Especially when my coworkers gave me a totally awesome mother-of-pearl card case thing. I always had something to complain about, with any one of my coworkers, but in the end I guess they're like family. They'd have to be, considering how often we see each other.

I never realized how hard planning a wedding could be. We don't have any solid plans whatsoever yet, but just even trying to decide what STATE we're gonna do it is proving to be a chore. Not only that, but weddings are expensive! I know everyone says weddings are expensive, but like, weddings are EXPENSIVE! I'm trying to think of ways to cut costs, obviously Brian and I don't want to start our life together in debt. I read that the average american wedding costs 30,000 dollars! Frick! Somehow I'd like to keep it under 5,000 but then I keep on thinking of things I don't want to skimp on. Like a dress. Flowers. Honeymoon. Rings. Pictures. It's like, just keeps on adding up. And I don't know that either of us will have help from our families.

It's nice that Brian's been off work and taking care of things though. He has an interview in Utah on the 13th, and I start work at the FMJ down there on the 16th, which is SATURDAY. Which means we have got to get our stuff done FAST.

Anyway, this'll probably be my last post before we pack up the computer, so the next time I update I'll be 1200 miles away and in a different time zone!

Good bye, my friends. I'll see you all out there in internet-land.

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