I know suicide hurts others and affects many people around the victim. But how can one sit in their own self-hate and misery day after day. It becomes too much to take. They say suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. It seems to me that suicide is a final solution for a relentless and increasingly painful problem. I want to die
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I hope I don't come across in offensive in saying this.. I really you can feel better and I really hope you stay safe. I understand the feeling of despair like no other...
Take care of yourself, love<3 Please.
here's my number 352-620-5929..text me! i know you've given me your number but I can't remember where. I'm usually shy about internet interactions. also heres my screen name for AIM- i dunno if you use it..but I'm on like all the time there...sinQthepartyline. but yeah.. I'm still trying to figure out a way around the debilitating ailments. i'll let you know when I find something solid.
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