I just an absolutely terrible week, followed by the most glorious weekend I have had all year.
Last week was my transition week from full time at Friendly's to full time at Stateline, which meant I was working full time at both. Stateline for the first half of the day, Friendly's for the second. I'd be up at seven, in bed at midnight. All week. By Friday night, I was ready to crawl into a hole and die. Parts of me that I did not even know existed were sore.
But I did it! And from now on, I work five six hour shifts a week at Stateline and one itty bitty four hour shift at Friendly's on Monday nights. I am going to put all my checks from Friendly's into my savings account and not touch it until I need a new car (which will be sometime within the next year.) But I will finally had money again and it all comes from getting paid to talk to people about animals and pet cute dogs all day. (Seriously. That is what most of my day consists of at Stateline.)
As a reward to both of us for crazy weeks, Nic drove down Saturday afternoon and we headed into Boston. First stop, Peace o' Pie for delicious vegan pizza (Nic liked it!) and then off to Harvard Square for an evening of Free Hugs with Kyle. (Which Nic also absolutely adored.) We had SO MUCH FUN! I just could not stop smiling. So many hugs, so many happy people, so much silliness.
When it got dark, Nic and I wandered around the area and I stumbled upon a very old and very dear friend (it had been five years!). And at eleven o'clock, it was time for the almighty glory of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I was actually supremely disappointed because there were not many people at the show and it was the April Fool's show, so everything was messed up and crazy. Still a ton of fun, but I wanted Nic's first time to be at a regular show. Oh well. I am now dating an official Rocky convert :D
We got back to my house and passed out around five. Nic got so annoyed with me because I refused to move over and give him more room, lest I disturb Dmitri, who was sleeping on the other side of me. Hello, crazy cat lady XD Oh well. He got back at me by snoring in my face all morning.
Let me just say that waking up between my two favourite living creatures was one of the best moments ever.
When we finally woke up around twelve, it was off to my grandparents to be stuffed full of Easter food. VEGAN SHEPARD'S PIE AND ICE CREAM SANDWICHES! Hell yes. I really hate Easter, but I really love hanging out with my grandparents.
In short, amazing weekend filled with amazing adventures, amazing food and my amazing guy.
Happy Zombie Jesus Day!