Hello, welcome to Season Hills a sleepy little town nestled in the hills outside of sim city. It's current residents are sadly not the first to live here but they will be the ones to bring this town to life. So sit back, grab a glass of nectar and enjoy the story of the four founding families.
Round 1:
Malone ○
Fay ○ Solus ○ Greene ○ University
Points to Date
Sims in Game: 6
Number of 3 Gen homes:
Number of $100,000 Neighbourhood Net-worth:
Impossible Wants Filled (3pts):
Platinum Graves:
Top Influences at Death:
Top of Careers:
Summa Cum Laude Grads:
Big Sims on Campus:
Sim Shrink Visits: 1
Social Bunny Visits:
College Drop Outs:
Poor Performance Firings:
Ignored Chance Cards:
Total Points: 5