Junjou Romantica - One-shot - NC17

Jun 08, 2009 17:07

Title: Away from the Spot-Light
Fandom: Junjou Romantica
Pairing/Prompt: Hiroki/Nowaki: Public sex and super!horny Hiroki --> "Just shut up and let me do this!"
Rating: NC17 for explicit sex
Word count: ~2,800

Summary: Hiroki's in a quandary. Nowaki's finally getting the recognition he deserves and has become a full doctor, but with every minute, Hiroki's getting more and more aroused. What is a boy to do but attack his lover as soon as the ceremony is over, and they're semi-alone?

Author's Note: Constructive criticism is always welcome, especially as this is my first time writing for the fandom. (or a better title. I could really use one XD)

Off-stage, Away from the Spot-Lights

It had to have been the tea. God, he hoped it was the tea and not some other strange twisted reason that he dared not mention out loud.

Hiroki slammed Nowaki up against the wall attacking his lips and pushing him deeper under the cover of boxes and piled stage equipment. Hiroki didn't care that he almost tripped over a forgotten handle of a broomstick or that he could hear the tinkle of glassware and the quiet murmur of voices discussing whatever doctors, scientists and their families tended to talk about, although congratulations were likely a large part of the discussion.

He didn't care in the least.

All he cared about was that he was tucked out of sight (mostly), Nowaki wasn't resisting (yet), and Hiroki was rubbing himself raw up and down Nowaki's bent knee in an attempt to get rid of the hard-on that had descended on him halfway through the ceremony.

Hiroki shivered with raw desire and vowed to kill Akihiko. But later. He had other, more pressing needs at the moment.

"Hi-Hiro-san?" Nowaki's voice was tremulous as he forced the name out between kisses. His eyes were wide as they darted from Hiroki's face and back to the sliver of light he could see in between the boxes and bins. Hiroki glanced over for a brief moment, blushing at the set of dress shoes standing some ten feet or so away.

Hiroki frowned at the hand that pushed against his chest. Why, out of all days, was Nowaki protesting now?

"Stop that," he said, swatting Nowaki's hands away so he could concentrate on his ever growing need for release. Closing his eyes, Hiroki concentrated on the inseam of his jeans shifting ever so slightly against his anus, and the pressure of his clothing restricting his cock from the full blessing of freedom.

Oh yes, Akihiko was going to suffer greatly. Maybe even with a scalding cup of tea dumped right into his lap. But first, Hiroki needed to convince Nowaki to screw him.

"But, Hiro-san," Nowaki whispered, his breath hot against Hiroki's ear. It sent a jolt of electricity down his spine, and blood rushing to his head. He felt dizzy with need and lust and a strange thrill of excitement that ran through his veins with insatiable greed. A very distant part of him screamed at him to stop, that this wasn't like his usual self at all. Hiroki ignored it.

He just wanted Nowaki, pure and simple.

"Hiro, we can't do this here!" Nowaki whispered, locking his arms around Hiroki's back and pinning him against his body since pushing hadn't done much good. Hiroki whimpered, knowing his hands were locked half under Nowaki's shirt and the other caught just within the hem of Nowaki's pants.

He was so close, damn it. Hiroki could feel Nowaki's semi-hard erection pressed between his thighs, and Nowaki still wasn't cooperating at all!

"Why not?" Hiroki groused, wiggling his fingers as best he could further up Nowaki's chest, opening Nowaki's business shirt one button at a time. The jacket was already undone and hanging off Nowaki's shoulders.

Hiroki smiled in satisfaction. Nowaki had looked so nice and dignified sitting on the stage listening to one of his professors give a dedication to the greenest of Japan's freshly licensed doctors.

He rubbed his fingers against Nowaki's chest, feeling the sweat glide along his fingers. Was it from the heat of the stage lights or was it because Hiroki was determined to get some? Hiroki didn't care much which it was, as long as the latter happened

Hiroki smiled and leaned in closer to Nowaki's throat. His sweat smelled like rose petals and tasted a little like almonds underneath his tongue. Nowaki had been working at the flower shop again. He always helped out when he could, and today would be a very busy day. He licked Nowaki's throat again.

"Delicious," he murmured, nuzzling closer.

The sound of laughter echoed loudly for a second, closer than was comfortable, but Hiroki refused to acknowledge it. He kissed Nowaki's chin instead.

Nowaki started. "But we're in public! You never even want to hold hands let alone kiss or-or-" Nowaki gulped, giving Hiroki a tantalizing view of a bobbing adam's apple. Hiroki left a love bit on the side of Nowaki's neck, thrusting against Nowaki's thigh to remind him the more pressing need of the moment.

"It doesn't matter." Hiro murmured, finally unzipping Nowaki's pants all the way. Palming, the erection, he began to slide his hand up and down the shaft, fingers molding itself to the sweat drenched skin. "Blame Akihiko if you need an excuse, but just fuck me. Now."

Nowaki started, loosening his arms and pushing Hiroki backwards into a cloth bin, his shoulder grazing the metal buckle hanging lose on the side.

"Ouch!" Hiroki hissed, feeling around blindly for something to throw at Nowaki. He was so not working with him on this!

Nowaki's chest rapidly rose and fell, and his face was flushed as he pressed his back full against the wall, his knees giving way as he slid to the ground. His hands were clenched into fists, whether to hit something or because he wanted to grab Hiroki back to himself, Hiroki didn't know, but he looked absolutely captivating.

He was also highly exasperating.

Hiroki felt his body tingle at the loss of contact and the sweat beading on his brow. Another wave of desire rippled through his system, cold on hot, chills and fever both that left an ache deep within his bones.

It was unbearable.

Hiroki kicked Nowaki in the shin. He had held it in for so long already. He had barely lasted the length of the ceremony as Nowaki received his just due for several long years of schooling and residency. Hiroki had really wanted to run to the bathroom before it had started, but Nowaki had finally achieved his dream. Hiroki wouldn't have forgiven himself for missing this moment, even if Nowaki would have, eventually.

"What does Akihiko have to do with this!" Nowaki half yelled, half hissed, his eyes darting around the small space to make sure no one had discovered them yet.

"I don't want to talk about it." Hiroki turned away, shifting ever so slightly to decrease the very real pressure of his jeans and to hide his blush. Maybe there was a bathroom stall he could sneak into for a few minutes. He should have headed there first rather than answering Hiroki's beckoning call. He would have found release quicker that way.

Thinking was not his highest priority at the moment, however.

Hands gripped his, and before Hiroki knew it, he was pressed against the floor with Nowaki over him and a knee pressed hard against his groin. Nowaki's eyes were hard and Nowaki's dull nails dug into Hiroki's skin.

Hiroki winced.

"I have a right to know," Nowaki growled, the sound reverberating up and down Hiorki's spine.

He winced. "It's-It's because I ran into him on my way here."

Nowaki raised a brow. "And you got horny because of that?" His fingers tightened around Hiro's shoulders.

"And-uh, since I had a little bit of time to kill, we had tea." His eyes shifted back and forth. Hiroki did everything he could to keep from looking at Nowaki. He couldn't stand the harsh glint of his eyes while the rest of his face was covered in shadows. Instead, he looked at Nowaki's chest and the barely visible defined ridge of a six pack just below it.

Taking care of patients of the young type all day long definitely had its benefits. Hiroki really wanted to run his hands along the ridges.

He bit his lip to keep himself from asking permission.

"And what else?"

Nowaki's voice was low and strained. Hiroki's hair stood on end, goose bumps gliding and sliding their way down his body and up his neck.

"He had a box of chocolates with him. Told me to take them otherwise he'd throw them in the trash. They were from Isaka, his editor. And well, I couldn't let them go to waste so I had one." Hiroki's eyelids flickered as he glanced up at Nowaki and back down in quick succession. "I had more than one, actually."

Hiroki shifted, his back arching into Nowaki's as a shiver of heat radiated from his center, eradicating the fine trail of goose bump ghosting down in his sides and leaving his nerve endings aflame. The drive to be touched was almost overpowering.

"I still don't get it," Nowaki murmured, loosening his grip an iota. Was he starting to get in the mood? Hiroki hoped so. He really didn't want to resort to begging, and he could almost feel the tears in his eyes at the painful arousal still going untended.

"They were laced!" Hiroki hissed, arching again into Nowaki's knee. He wasn't entirely certain it was the chocolate or the tea and which was spiked (either by Isaka or Akihiko himself), but the friction against his erection felt heavenly and not nearly enough to satisfy him. Not yet.

"Oh," Nowaki murmured, holding still even as Hiroki writhed underneath him, hypersensitive but unable to keep still. Hiroki was very much in favor of kneeing him for being so calm and reserved.

Hiroki blushed. "Great, now fuck me so I can go home and die."

Nowaki smiled and Hiroki clamped down on the very real urge to punch him in the face. He barely restrained himself from leaning up and kissing him silly. That was a better way to wipe the smirk off his face.

"I'd love to."

Nowaki leaned down and kissed him, lips meshing and heat building. His finger skimmed Hiroki's side, making him gasp with shock and pleasure. Hiroki squirmed beneath Nowaki, pressing more fully against him as his hands gripped the sides of Nowaki's shirt.

Finally the man was doing something right!

Hiroki blushed again when Nowaki nipped at the underside of his chin. It was a reminder that Nowaki was in control, not Hiroki. For a gentle kid, Nowaki had a serious mean streak when it came to making love to him. He knew just what to do to make him squirm in embarrassment, every caress and word so love-filled it drove Hiroki crazy (and often enough underneath his pillow).

It was the main reason he never allowed Nowaki into the bath with him or why he refused to wear any of the aprons Nowaki had purchased over the years. He'd rather not be tortured mercilessly by the memory whenever he made dinner (not that he was any good at it) or when he took his own bath on the nights Nowaki worked the late shift.

Memory alone would be more maddening than Nowaki's gentle caresses and patient skill.

Hiorki blush grew, the deep red color seeping down his neck and under his shirt.

The slight give of buttons and the chill of air against his chest was the first warning Hiroki had that Nowaki was undressing him. The second was the teeth racking his exposed shoulder, tongue laving the small hollow of his collarbone.

Hiroki shivered and wrapped his arms around Nowaki's back, pulling him closer instinctively. His body was winding tight, and he couldn't stand the distance between them anymore.

"Nowaki," he breathed, whimpering. "Please," he sighed, arching in response to Nowaki's nuzzling as he licked his way down Hiroki's shoulder.

Nowaki replied by slipping a hand into Hiroki's pants, inquisitive fingers probing his length and seeking out the contours of his underwear, moving it down with care to prevent him from aggravating Hiroki's already painful erection. Hiroki nearly died at the gentle touch, his teeth biting his lip to prevent him from crying out as real tears flushed from his eyes.

Carefully, ever so carefully, Nowaki wrapped his fingers around Hiroki's length, his thumb grazing Hiroki's head. Hiroki's entire body spasmed, but he didn't come. Not quite yet. Hiroki very nearly kicked Nowaki again for that. Instead, the gentle fingers he had been captivated by were clamped hard around his cock and squeezing with firm determination.

That bastard! Hiroki whimpered again.

Nowaki chuckled, and kissed Hiroki, his lips soft against his mouth. It was an apology. Hiroki closed his eyes for only a second, but that seemed to be enough. Before he could open them again, Nowaki was already moving, pressing his own erection against Hiroki as he wrapped his fingers around both shafts.

Hiroki grunted, and thrust upwards, forcing Nowaki's palm to slide along his length. Nowaki needed to be less gentle and more forceful. Nowaki thrust back, but clamped his fingers down again. He wasn't about to let Hiroki go easily.

Glaring, Hiroki shifted his hips again, hoping the boy would stop being a brat and finish the job already.

Nowaki smiled and Hiroki nearly melted. He loved watching Nowaki's face in ecstasy, but he was far to embarrassed to let Nowaki do the same. Hiroki pressed closer, turning his face so that it was hidden in the unique space between Nowaki's chin and shoulder. If Nowaki looked like he was drowning, what did Hiroki look like? There was no way he'd easily show that to him!

Hiroki's entire body shivered from head to toe, ripples of lightening streaking down his back and to the very tips of his fingers, the tips of his toes curling in his dress shoes. He bit down on Nowaki's shoulder, tasting sweat and heat and that musky scent that was part Hiroki and part flower from the shop. Nowaki's fingers convulsed and slid erratically over the head, smearing pre-cum over the stretched skin.

Shuddering, Hiroki came, his hips jerking within Nowaki's grasp. Before his semen could cool on his chest, Hiroki felt Nowaki's join it, Nowaki's breath hot in his ear as he came silently.

Panting, Hiroki lay still on the floor, Nowaki's body weight pressing him down. A sudden burst of laughter broke his reverie and made Hiroki nearly jump out of his skin.

"N--Nowaki?" Hiroki poked at his lover. He needed to move. He really needed to move. What if someone had heard him? His eyes darted around the darkened corner. He couldn't hear any footsteps, although the pair of brown suede shoes visible through a crack in the boxes made him a little nervous, as did the brown pinstriped suit of a pants leg that connected the shoe to a pair of legs. Hiroki wracked his memory. Had he screamed?

He hoped not.

"Nowaki!" Hiroki hissed again, keeping a firm eye on the stranger some few yards away. "Get up!"

Nowaki stirred and lifted himself to arms length. His smile was sweet and satiated. Hiroki almost felt guilty. "Yes?"

Hiroki glared. "Get off of me!"

Nowaki raised a brow but obediently moved; Hiroki winced. Nowaki had semen spattered across his chest. Hiroki refused to look down at himself knowing he was equally as dirty.

"Shit, how're we supposed to get home now?"

Hiroki gingerly sat-up, frantic and looking from Nowaki to himself and to the man still standing on the other side of the boxes. Cloth brushed his chest and Hiroki jumped again. "What're you doing?"

He cringed. His voice was a touch louder than he had meant it to be.

"Wiping you off," was Nowaki's calm voice. Hiroki looked closely at Nowaki. He seemed entirely too satisfied. Had he been in on it with Akihiko? Hiroki shook his head. No way. It'd be impossible. Nowaki was far to distrusting of his first crush.

"Oh," Hiroki said. He reached for the cloth. "I can do that myself."

Nowaki brushed his hands aside. "I'm almost done."

Hiroki bit his lip and waited, his flesh still heated from their tryst and the maddening feel of Nowaki touching him, looking at him. He gulped and started reciting lesson plans in his head to distract himself least he find himself aroused again.

He was hard pressed considering Nowaki was moving lower with the handkerchief he had pulled out of who knew where. "I can do that. Really," Hiroki stammered, covering his nether regions with one hand and reaching for the cloth again.

Nowaki looked at him for several long seconds before nodding, easily giving up the sullied handkerchief.

Hiroki blushed and quickly patted himself semi-dry.

Nowaki stood and zipped up his pants having already wiped himself dry before seeing to Hiroki. His jacket hid the rest of the stains from view.

Hiroki followed his lead, standing to his feet with the cloth dangling from his fingers. Nowaki plucked it from his fingers, folding it over so that most of the stain was caught between the folds before he pushed it into the inside pocket of his jacket.

"Let's go home, Hiro-san," he winked.

Hiroki gulped and nodded, looking around nervously. Just before he stepped back out unto the stage, he snagged Nowaki's hand. "Congratulations, Nowaki."

Nowaki turned and smiled, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips, uncaring of who might be watching and Hiroki? Hiroki didn't mind at all.

----> Crossposted to Springkink ( Post), Back to Fic Archive

[length] oneshot, [comm] springkink, [fandom] junjou romantica

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