Title: One Night I Dreamt.
Day/Theme: March 6th/ one night I dreamt I was a butterfly
Series: Original
Rating: PG/PG13 (minor innuendo)
Word Count: 267
Author's Note: I know it's no longer March, but I'm still finding these themes highly inspiring. Also written in first person POV, a rarity for me.
One Night I Dreamt
One night, I dreamt I was a butterfly. I stretched my wings and tasted the current before flexing my wings delicately. With barely a sound, I lifted myself off the windowsill and fell into the air.
It was heavenly.
I dreamt I flew across a sea of stars, higher and further I traveled until the stars looked as distant beneath me as they did above. Only the waving cattails kept me grounded. The pond water rippled with a breeze, and I…I went with it, following the gentle tug and pull against my body as I drifted further away from myself.
I-I was a butterfly for a single night.
In waking, I stretched my body, arching into the quilt comforter against my back. My arms naturally stretched above even as my feet flexed, pulling my leg muscles taut before slowly releasing each one, turning over unto my stomach in the process.
I was no longer a butterfly, but I could still feel the ache of muscles that had never been used and the slide of the wind against my bare skin.
Smiling, I opened my eyes and glanced out the window, gossamer curtains billowing with an ephemeral touch that hinted at kisses and soft hair against the fingertip. I could hear the patter of rain droplets falling into the room from the cracked door of the bathroom.
He was in the shower.
Shutting my eyes, I drifted back into slumber. I may not be a butterfly, but I was certain I'd have plenty more chances to fly.
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