Jan 13, 2009 16:16
I need to find a way, somehow, of keeping E motivated. He is so anxious to get to 'more' (e.g. double digit addition) that he will not bear with us that math is a progressive animal and if you don't get the basics down, sooner or later it could bite you on the butt.
He's also very hard to keep on task for things and is looking for the easy way out. This is not my personality nor D's, so we are coming up against a situation I'm not sure how to deal with. He's BRIGHT. He's IMPULSIVE. Argh, the evil pairing! He does not want to accept the fact that you cannot pick up everything and immediately be wonderfully adept at it, as much as you'd like to be.
Apparently beating me at checkers and Othello, and D at chess is not enough to satisfy him.