Aug 11, 2008 15:13
A will be three in October (wow, that is coming UP). Here are the pros and cons to her being almost three.
+Dang she is freaking CUTE.
+She tells me she loves me.
+She gives me kisses on both she's European! :)
+She has an amazing vocabulary.
+She is independent in dressing.
+Her brother is her world and she worships him.
+Listening to her tell me that she has "cruella de ville" on her mp3 player.
+She adores books. All books. All the time. BOOKS! I often find her in her room rocking in the rocker 'reading' a book to herself.
+She can use the potty, she just chooses not to most of the time.
+She's fun to buy clothes for because she looks adorable in everything. DANGER!!
+She loves her blanket.
+She worships her grandparents, who return it wholeheartedly.
-Her amazing vocabulary unfortunately contains words like "stupid".
-She sticks her tongue out at her brother constantly. Typical.
-She will NOT let me help her get dressed, to the point of losing her mind in frustration because she can't get something 'right', but still will scream more if I jump in to help.
-The screaming. MAN, the SCREAMING.
-The whining. It is never ending.
-She won't go on the potty unless her brother is in there and going. Then suddenly she has to go!
-She is a milk fiend and will drink milk over eating if she is allowed to.
-Tantrums. E never ever had tantrums like these. She is 1000% committed when she's in one.
*She doesn't look where she's going and can't control her feet. Sunday she walked into a wall face first and then just a half hour later took a major header in the parking lot.
-Grandparents clearly prefer her over her brother, which makes me hurt.
Just in case I forget, the cons shall pass and the pros will increase. Patience, patience, patience!