Title - 1. Cupid, 2. Comic - Brown and Yellow, 3. The Curtain Closes, 4. Spuffy - Gray and Red, 5. Spuffy - Cherry Blossom, 6. Spuffy Through the Years
creator - teragramm
rating - other
For my first entry, under the cut, I have 6 Fic banners
If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!
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Comments 6
Amazing banners. You are so talented.
Thank you, so much!
My favourites and #3 and #6
Yes, those two were my favorite too.
Thank you so much for commenting! I wasn't sure anyone would notice #4 because it is such a simple banner. I am so glad you liked it. I too like the coloring on #6. Sometimes the coloring just works out.
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