Would it be feasible to run SS on all three archives? I am not sure all three archives would go for it and It would be a lot of work. We are already spread pretty thin.
Also, I think it would be worthwhile to cultivate a Tumblr presence as well. We already have a clone account on Tumblr. It doesn't get much traffic.
For the record, I had no idea there was a Seasonal Spuffy Tumblr. I'm not super active on there, but I think if you were dedicatedly posting there with images and hashtags, you could probably generate more traffic than you're getting.
I agree Tumblr is one of the more active places for Buffyverse fandom, but none of our attempts to cultivate a stronger tumblr presence (at least what I remember from my SS modding days) seemed to take off, sadly.
I'm out of the loop about these new places. I don't know neither SAD nor WofS.
What I love to "take with me" from SS to LJ/DW are the icons. I don't think we can post those at the archives (but I don't know). Otherwise there isn't much icon activity on LJ at all, let's not talk about BtVS. Even less so on my F-List but. maybe I'm missing things.
I'd like both LJ(/DW) and Elysian Fields but I fear using both for stories is too much work (double).
But maybe we could use LJ(/DW) for Polls, graphics etc. And an archive for the stories and the rest. I'm following elysianupdates so I won't miss the start of SS if it moves there. Other could too if they don't check EF itself.
I'm pretty sure all three archives now have sections for a/w (banners, icons, vids). I have been told by all of the archives that a/w shouldn't be a problem.
*nods* And people post all kinds of artwork on EF and SAD, including hand-drawn art, digital drawings, comics, manips and other stuff, in addition to what you said. I see the WotS art section is currently small but certainly includes icons.
I don't know if this makes any difference, but the West of the Storm art section is completely under the control of our admin FancyFlautist. They have full creative control of the look of the archive and determining what kind of artwork can be posted, and as per their decree, our image size is currently set to 3000 by 3000 pixels, with a possibility of a larger size if they feel it's needed. Old fogey that I am ( :P ), I couldn't imagine anyone needing more than 1,000 by 1,000, but Fancy is the one who knows this stuff better than I do.
EF said they would post it as an open series that all participants can post to. I can see plusses and minuses to that approach. SAD didn't say how entries would be posted. Can we get more information on that?
Their thought is they would work with us as team members to come up with a plan that works for us. They say they can easily make what we want work.
Personally (and I don't know if the other mods want this or if it is feasible) I would like a section devoted to just SS for us to run as close to what we have on lj/dw
Speaking for SAD! We could definitely go that route, or if there’s a way that makes more sense for the SS mods/community, we’re open to other options too.
A lot of our conversations have been about things we could do to support Seasonal Spuffy, but we want to make sure we understand the needs of the community first. And we didn’t want to get too far into the weeds before we knew which way the SS mods were leaning. So we’re open to collaboration with the SS mods, like teragramm said!
Also, does SS have a FB group or page? I rarely go on Discord - I've tried, but I'm not compatible with that site. I get all my news about SS from emails from LJ (tho I don't really post on here). I would need another way to get news if you go off LJ. I am in SAD's FB group, but EF doesn't have one anymore.
I noticed that EF said SS would be treated similarly to the Exquisite Corpse, which is my pet ... thing. I'll just say that the EF discord is very vibrant, and I got a lot of new-to-the-EC authors in the Corpse this year as a result. If you're going to switch to a single archive, I do think it would make the most sense to switch to the archive with the deepest active user pool.
Re: Elysian FieldsteragrammJuly 16 2023, 19:59:31 UTC
I hate to admit this out loud but I am lost when it comes to Discord. In fact, I think I am locked out and I can't seem to log back on.
I do think it would make the most sense to switch to the archive with the deepest active user pool. The truth is that any archive would most likely have a deeper pool than lj/dw
Comments 115
Would it be feasible to run SS on all three archives?
Also, I think it would be worthwhile to cultivate a Tumblr presence as well. There is still a fairly active Buffy fandom there.
Would it be feasible to run SS on all three archives? I am not sure all three archives would go for it and It would be a lot of work. We are already spread pretty thin.
Also, I think it would be worthwhile to cultivate a Tumblr presence as well. We already have a clone account on Tumblr. It doesn't get much traffic.
For the record, I had no idea there was a Seasonal Spuffy Tumblr. I'm not super active on there, but I think if you were dedicatedly posting there with images and hashtags, you could probably generate more traffic than you're getting.
I agree Tumblr is one of the more active places for Buffyverse fandom, but none of our attempts to cultivate a stronger tumblr presence (at least what I remember from my SS modding days) seemed to take off, sadly.
What I love to "take with me" from SS to LJ/DW are the icons. I don't think we can post those at the archives (but I don't know). Otherwise there isn't much icon activity on LJ at all, let's not talk about BtVS. Even less so on my F-List but. maybe I'm missing things.
I'd like both LJ(/DW) and Elysian Fields but I fear using both for stories is too much work (double).
But maybe we could use LJ(/DW) for Polls, graphics etc. And an archive for the stories and the rest. I'm following elysianupdates so I won't miss the start of SS if it moves there. Other could too if they don't check EF itself.
I'm pretty sure all three archives now have sections for a/w (banners, icons, vids). I have been told by all of the archives that a/w shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know if this makes any difference, but the West of the Storm art section is completely under the control of our admin FancyFlautist. They have full creative control of the look of the archive and determining what kind of artwork can be posted, and as per their decree, our image size is currently set to 3000 by 3000 pixels, with a possibility of a larger size if they feel it's needed. Old fogey that I am ( :P ), I couldn't imagine anyone needing more than 1,000 by 1,000, but Fancy is the one who knows this stuff better than I do.
EF said they would post it as an open series that all participants can post to. I can see plusses and minuses to that approach. SAD didn't say how entries would be posted. Can we get more information on that?
Their thought is they would work with us as team members to come up with a plan that works for us. They say they can easily make what we want work.
Personally (and I don't know if the other mods want this or if it is feasible) I would like a section devoted to just SS for us to run as close to what we have on lj/dw
A lot of our conversations have been about things we could do to support Seasonal Spuffy, but we want to make sure we understand the needs of the community first. And we didn’t want to get too far into the weeds before we knew which way the SS mods were leaning. So we’re open to collaboration with the SS mods, like teragramm said!
Also, does SS have a FB group or page? I rarely go on Discord - I've tried, but I'm not compatible with that site. I get all my news about SS from emails from LJ (tho I don't really post on here). I would need another way to get news if you go off LJ. I am in SAD's FB group, but EF doesn't have one anymore.
Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/sspuffy/ :)
Seasonal Spuffy has a clone FB page. All posts to SS on lj automatically go to FB's seasonal spuffy page
I am trying to find out the answer to your other question. I will get back to you as soon as I hear.
We also have a clone on Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/seasonal-spuffy
I noticed that EF said SS would be treated similarly to the Exquisite Corpse, which is my pet ... thing. I'll just say that the EF discord is very vibrant, and I got a lot of new-to-the-EC authors in the Corpse this year as a result. If you're going to switch to a single archive, I do think it would make the most sense to switch to the archive with the deepest active user pool.
I hate to admit this out loud but I am lost when it comes to Discord. In fact, I think I am locked out and I can't seem to log back on.
I do think it would make the most sense to switch to the archive with the deepest active user pool. The truth is that any archive would most likely have a deeper pool than lj/dw
If you are locked out of the Elysian Fields Discord specifically, let the mod team know and we should be able to get you sorted.
I am locked out of Elysian Field Discord and it seems all of discord. I have to try again
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