Icons: 18 Elemental Icons

May 16, 2022 18:07

Title: Elemental Icons
Creator: the_wiggins

So, for this round of Seasonal Spuffy, I thought it would be fun to do a journey through Spuffy across the seasons, using the elements as a metaphor for the changing state of their relationship.

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era: indeterminate, rating: other, creator: the_wiggins, form: icons

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thenewbuzwuzz May 17 2022, 07:31:30 UTC
Very cool! The coloring is fun and fitting.

The earth background works so well for s2 as the root and foundation of the rest of Spuffy. Love #3.

Spike is awash in a sea of emotion (and liquor) in #4! :D Buffy looks so done with him in #5. :) I like how the wave lines up with their eyes and gazes in #5 and #6, much like the root that connects them in #3.

You know, with how much red and pink s4 has, I wouldn't have thought of yellow for it, but it really fits! The tension between them is crackling! :)

Awww, season 5, my beloved, it's so soft and full of potential, and the road ahead is hidden in fog (but also, they could be anywhere, in the sky, in the mountains, dreaming an unknown course off their predetermined paths as slayer and vampire)

The fire works perfectly for s6, these are all so pretty! The different fiery backgrounds fit each image fabulously, and I like that Buffy's hair almost looks like part of the flames.

And of course I'm a fan of Galaxy Touched! There's a clarity and perspective to the starry sky, a height they've reached and a distance from the world and its troubles.

Of the earlier variants, the last two are my favorites. The coloring looks very pretty (even though I think pink was a great choice for s5 overall). \o/


the_wiggins May 18 2022, 04:09:40 UTC
Thank you so much for the very thoughtful comment!

Interesting point on the reds and pinks in s4. I'd never really noticed that, though Buffy does wear more than one cherry-print dress in that season. But I'm glad the yellow icons work for you. I had a lot of difficulty getting a shade that looked decent. And of course, yellow isn't exactly a flattering color for skin. Spike in particular wound up looking kind of like a Frankenstein's monster. But I was OK with that in this context.

And I like your read on s5 (which is also beloved to me). I saw the clouds as symbolizing dreams and imagination but also as potential for both good and bad to come out of this. So yeah, you were spot on! Also, the choice to make the icons pink was inspired mostly by the Buffybot, who's outfit Buffy's wearing in her icon.


thenewbuzwuzz May 18 2022, 06:16:31 UTC
I guess it's more that "Something Blue" in particular has red and bright pink in Spike and Buffy's clothing; not quite sure where my sweeping statement about the season came from. :D Maybe Buffy wears a bit more red in s4, maybe she doesn't. But yeah, yellow was an inspired choice & it worked!

"Also, the choice to make the icons pink was inspired mostly by the Buffybot, who's outfit Buffy's wearing in her icon."
Oh, that makes sense!


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