Fic: I Touched the Fire

Nov 19, 2021 18:48

This one turned out darker than I planned. It's what you get from messing with Season 6, I suppose.

Author: gillo
Rating: NC-17, probably.
One-shot. Approx 1,125 words

I Touched the Fire )

creator: gillo, form: fic, era: btvs s6

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Comments 10

slaymesoftly November 19 2021, 19:38:40 UTC
Oh wow. Even with your warning, this hit hard. Well done, you.


gillo November 19 2021, 22:26:13 UTC
Thank you. Perhaps I should dissuade readers with a more explicit warning?

Thanks for reading!


slaymesoftly November 19 2021, 23:46:27 UTC
No, I don't think so. It's very canon appropriate, so if they know season six they should be fine. But then, I hate to even warn when I kill somebody off, so I may not be the best person to ask. Ha ha.


gillo November 20 2021, 01:48:43 UTC
Hee! I think it's reasonably clear it's not a piece of fluff, though some folks seem to expect that of short fics. It's just all hard and stuff to write cheerfully about that point in S6.


double_dutchess November 19 2021, 21:16:52 UTC
Same here - halfway through I had already forgotten about the warning, and I was expecting something romantic, or maybe even sexy hijinks involving the brazier, and then bam. Not a pleasant ending, but very effective. Bravo!


gillo November 19 2021, 22:28:17 UTC
Yes, I think I had sexytimes in mind when I first started it, but it went its own way as my fics so often do.

Thank you very much for reading and leaving a comment.


missus_grace November 20 2021, 09:43:49 UTC
Glad I decided to pop in! It’s good to see you still writing, and your fic is lovely as ever.


gillo November 20 2021, 18:11:39 UTC
How lovely to see your pixels! Hope all is well with you and yours.

Yes, I'm pretty much a one-fandom gal still. I stopped writing for a couple of years after my mother died and I wasn't really in the right headspace, but my mojo seemed to return to help me cling to some form of sanity in these weird times we're living through. Thank you so much for reading and leaving your kind comment.


zanthinegirl November 21 2021, 00:35:47 UTC
Oh wow. I knew from the “a little darker than expected” and the “canon compliant” tag where this had to be heading, but damn. Season six is so heartbreaking


gillo November 21 2021, 00:38:31 UTC
I'm sorry. It's the way the story demanded to be written. Poor Spike. He's as much a victim as Buffy in S6 in many ways.

Thank you for reading and leaving a comment, though.


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