The Fall 2021 Round of Seasonal Spuffy is About to Begin!

Nov 07, 2021 07:33

The Fall round of seasonal_spuffy, Walk Through the Fire, will run from tomorrow Monday, November 8th through Tuesday, November 23rd, on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth. Links to all new entries will be available during the round on both of these sites and also on our Tumblr blog and our Facebook page, and the Elysian Fields Discussion Group on Facebook.
If you signed up, please double-check the schedule for your posting day! If you didn't sign up, you're still welcome to post any new Spuffy work on the
2 free-for-all days:
Monday, November 22nd and
Tuesday, November 23rd.

And if you would like to participate in another way, consider leaving feedback for our talented fan creators. Remember that anyone can currently comment on any Seasonal Spuffy post with or without logging in.

If you could use any help with the site or the round, feel free to try the Beginner's Guide post. You can also message teragramm, eurydice72, gillo, or slaymesoftly, comment on a recent mod post, or email

Please note
We are also looking for anyone who might be interested in becoming a Seasonal Spuffy mod. If you are interested in joining our “Mod Squad” please respond to this post or message any of the above mods.

mod post

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