Dreamwidth entry | Fic: A Christmas Wish by all_choseny

Dec 21, 2020 20:58

Title: A Christmas Wish
Author: all_choseny
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: PG-13
Note: This fic was written for sandy_s for the Elysian Fields 2020 Secret Santa Challenge. It was just my luck that I decided to post it on the same day as Seasonal Spuffy's Winter Soltice Free for All day! This story has been cross-posted to Elysian Fields, AO3, and my journal.
Note 2: This story was inspired by The Family Man, starring Nick Cage

Feel free to hop over to the Dreamwidth side of the comm to read the story, and remember that anyone who wishes can currently comment on any Seasonal Spuffy post with or without logging in! \o/

creator: all_choseny, form: fic, rating: other, era: post-series

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