December 21st will be a solstice free-for-all day

Dec 14, 2020 22:42

Hey, friends. :) Just a quick reminder that next Monday, December 21st (your local time zone) is going to be a free-for-all day here on seasonal_spuffy. That means anyone is cordially invited to share new Spuffy work right here and/or on the Dreamwidth side of the community, no sign-up necessary.

If you wanted to share something during the fall round but didn't quite finish it in time, if you have a new chapter of something you started posting, if you feel inspired to create new Spuffy work in any shape or form, this is your chance! And if none of the above, you are welcome to drop by and enjoy the ambience anyway. :)

Remember to take a glance at the posting guidelines, and feel free to ask us things, e.g. by commenting on a recent mod post or emailing

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