Reminder: today (Saturday) is a free-for-all!

Nov 14, 2020 10:49

Thank you for getting the ball rolling with our first free-for-all post for today, stuffnonsense. <3

Everyone, happy 20th anniversary of "I've always been bad", of punk!Spike, of William, of that porch scene at the end of "Fool for Love" and of everything else about "Fool for Love"!

As has been foretold, today (November 14th, your local time zone) anyone is welcome to post any* new Spuffy work here without signup. It doesn't have to be related to "Fool for Love" (but it can be!). Take a look at the posting guidelines, and remember to clearly label any all-human AUs in the title and/or the header, for example, with a note saying "All-human AU".

* Prompting post fills will have their own special free-for-all day on November 28 (though it's also okay to post them on one's assigned posting day).

Have fun, all!

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