A Trip Down Memory Lane (2013)

Oct 08, 2020 07:55

The answer to Monday’s challenges:
Challenge A: sb_fag_ends, bogwitch and shapinglight
Challenge B: baphrosia

In the Fall 2013, gillo and rebcake take over head mod duties. This year Abelina, Slaymesoftly, and teragramm join the “mod squad.” A poll was put up and the community overwhelmingly say they want the community to back to LJ with DW as the secondary site.

Spring 2013

Theme- Magic Gone Wrong

Featured entry:
Some gorgeous banners and icons by coalitiongirl found here

Challenge A:
coalitiongirl described her other entry that round as "Tumblr-friendly". Can you find where she has crossposted some of her Seasonal Spuffy graphics on tumblr?

Banner by anonyspuffy (on Dreamwidth)

Full size image here

Fall 2013

Theme: The Good Old Days
Featured entry:
Banners by comlodge, who did a retrospective on the whole Spuffy relationship in a series of posts found here

Challenge B:
One of the stories from this round is part of a series spanning over a million words in total. Can you name the series?

Banner by teragramm

Full size image here

Thank you to thenewbuzwuzz who helped with these posts.

(Comments will be screened to not give away challenge answers)

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