Good news from our affiliate communities

Jul 01, 2020 08:32

Pardon the language. Anyway, it's true! Starting this Saturday, July 4th, we can again participate in buffyversebingo, the prompt challenge that welcomes any Buffyverse ship and character and a wide variety of formats. Let's congratulate the previous winners (many of whom are also seasonal_spuffy members because we're awesome like that), and remember you can get your own bingo card anytime starting Saturday. It's fun!

In other good news, over on Summer of Giles, posting opens today, July 1st, and the whole month of July is going to bring lots of Giles-y goodness! So if you like Giles, that's the place to be this month, and you can still sign up to post on Dreamwidth or tumblr if you're feeling inspired.

mod post, signal boost

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