Fic: The Mired Path (1/3 today)

May 19, 2020 07:57

Title: The Mired Path
Author: Pricelessspike (Priceless)
Setting: Post Season 12 (Comic compliant)
Rating: PG
Warning: Spike/Other
Word Count: 1900
Summary: In Season 12 Buffy and Spike break up. Spike eventually leaves and this is their first meeting in three years. Plus, Angel needs rescuing.
A/N: Massive thanks to my wonderful betas Stoney and ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, form: fic, rating: other, creator: pricelessspike

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thenewbuzwuzz May 20 2020, 03:38:10 UTC
Aww, it's nice that the Scoobs are all together and the baddies of the world are giving them enough free time to hang out at restaurants and gently banter and think about marriage... HI, SPIKE!!

I am pleased that Buffy understands how important it is that SPIKE.

"had begged Will to do a location spell, but she’d refused, saying Spike had made the choice to leave and they had to respect that."
Character growth! \o/

Yeah, Spike! Show yourself! :)

"Buffy practised her broadsword technique in Xander’s workshop while Dawn dealt with Council business in her office"

"“Blame those monks,” Dawn said. “Where they got their information about four-year olds is beyond me.”"
Hee! Dawn can blame her whole childhood on the monks. Some later things, too, if she feels like it.

"Translator of Demon Texts"
YAY, Dawn has a cool job :)

I like the thought of Dawn and Andrew as colleagues. I'm sure by now it's obvious I haven't read the comics and much of comics canon is new and exciting to me :D

"Spike had vanished from their lives because of her, because she’d wanted space or freedom or something so indefinable, she couldn’t even name it now.  When he’d left, she’d been so absorbed in her own anger and grief, she’d failed to notice how his leaving had affected everyone else."
Oh no D: But it is very nice to have this context here, with Dawn. I love that you show that Spuffy relationship drama is by no means the only important relationship Spike and Buffy have. <3

gasp! is it Spike?! :)) guess I must read the next chapter to find out!!


pricelessspike May 20 2020, 07:47:35 UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wanted everyone to have moved forward in their lives, except Buffy, because I'm horrible like that teeheehee


thenewbuzwuzz May 20 2020, 08:40:27 UTC


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