Title: Two Spuffy Drawings
Creator: Fra_Apples (MaggieLaFey)
Warnings: One of the two is slightly NSFW.
Hello all!
I've recently practiced with a bit of drawing and of course I chose Spuffy as my subject. I hope you like the results, and yes, I do consider them complete even though some parts may seem unfinished... I can only copy pictures when I draw, and in this case the original pics were just a bit too shadowy. (*coff coff* Buffy's hand *coff coff*)
I apologise if the picture quality isn't ideal but I hope you can still like them! And if you feel like it isn't NSFW please let me know and I'll remove the warning.
Last but not least: I ALWAYS love and welcome critiques and tips to improve. If you have any, do feel free to let me know :) and if you feel like suggesting scenes/pictures to draw, suggest away!
Like, if you have any suggestions for making that kiss less cringeworthy in any way... *facepalms* I gave up after trying for the fifth time, I think haha.